International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Dec 16, 2008 18:30

Re-Posted from a friend:

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

The 17th December is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

From the wikipedia article:
Originally conceived as a memorial and vigil for the victims of the Green River Killer in Seattle Washington, it has evolved into an annual international event.

The day calls attention to hate crimes committed against sex workers all over the globe as well as the need to remove the stigma and discrimination that is perpetuated by custom and prohibitionist laws that has made violence against sex-workers acceptable.

After this I think it is worthwhile and vitally important to stress that violence against sex workers does not simply take the form of the bogeyman client or "pimp" enacting physical and sexual abuse whilst the worker is on the job. Violence against sex workers is also social discrimination, stigma, ostracisation, the denial of basic human rights and the right to protection under the law. Violence against sex workers is intimidation, uninvited questions and a sense of entitlement about a sex worker's privacy.

It is easy for us to "other" the idea of violence against sex workers, limiting it to on-the-job violence that is carried out by "evil men" with no sense of reality attached to them, thereby allowing society at large to ignore the far more pervasive and insidious forms of violence enacted against sex workers in nearly every avenue of society.

Naturally, sex workers refuse to take this lying down (cos despite the old adage, we don't spend all that much time on our backs... that's a bit boring!) and we have steadily and passionately struggled and fought for our rights, gaining inch by inch over time and determined to see it all the way to the end, uncompromising and unapologetic.

The support of those non-sex workers who share our goals and objectives has been incredibly valuable; there is no better way to lead than by example. So if you are a friend, a family member, a partner - if you are a loved one of a sex worker - show your solidarity today by changing your profile picture to an image of the red umbrella, the international sign of sex workers rights. Pass this note along and help raise awareness amongst those you know.

Our Demands!

Decriminalise all forms of sex work takes crimes commited against sex workers seriously address all forms of whore stigma and disrimination

A decriminalised sex industry, where sex workers are seen as human beings, with industrial, OH&S and human rights, where they are seen as legitimate workers with something to contribute to society where they are not hidden, criminalised and pushed under ground.

A criminal system that sees sex workers as human beings, where they take crimes against sex workers seriously, where they investigate murder, rape, theft, and viloence against a sex workers with the same commitment as they would for other victims, where sex workers see the police as someone they can call on for assistance.

A society that values and respects sex work and sex workers, that sees it for what it is, real work, who is disgusted by stigma and discrimination of sex workers in the same way they are disgusted by discrimination of other minority groups.

Only rights can stop the wrongs.


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