Corrupt is this Freshman Government

Feb 09, 2011 19:13

Funny that I answered the Writer's Block question this week. It's about cars. I didn't answer the girly ones. I never answer the girly ones. It's not in me to answer those….

Okay. I need a rantbot.

Alright. Livejournal cut ready… fingers at the ready… things in my mind that need to be expelled onto paper or a blog or something. Ready.
Our president is lovely. I'm pretty sure she is.

…I don't wanna say all this stuff, wait-no. I do wanna say all of it.
Our president's a nice person who's just brutally honest and way. too. fucking. lazy sometimes. 
In Social Studies, aka, the only class we have together, she's always playing games, never paying attention to presentations, and always on Tumblr/Twitter when people are presenting. One time, I got home and I saw her tweet the exact time someone would be presenting and said something along the lines of: Listening to boring social studies presentations.

…Now… she may have a lot of respect for herself and think she's wonderful and smart and dandy and shit and fine! Be that way! You've always been nice to me. But how do you expect us to respect you when you don't respect any of us? And you guys at the SBC meetings. Our representatives. Our president, our vice, our secretary. You guys are shit at your work.

You have not done a thing to make this grade any better. I'm sorry, but I'm not saying that I should've been president or vice or secretary or anything, I'm just saying that YOU GOT THE JOB.

Now, do it right.
We voted for y'all… for. a. reason.
Now respect our votes and use them wisely.
And, oh. my. god. The president and vice already hate the secretary and the secretary's just LETTING them hate on her. It's pathetic to watch!

In all honesty… people think too highly of some of the people in our grade. Oh, yes, she's wonderful and she's so pretty and she's incredibily funny and kind and oh, so, smart and oh yes, her, she's scary… I wouldn't be mean to her… I would follow everything she says and oh, yes, I do know that she's wonderfully smart and oh, her! She's someone to look up to, yes she's soooo smart and everyone loves her and she plays sports and she's wonderful and all the guys like her and all the teachers think she's such a leader and oh, yes, they all do after school activities and they're joyous to be with and they're so. fucking. cool and they're the prime meridians of this damn grade and--

--Oh, my god. Just shut the fuck up.

I'm starting to get the horrible feeling … wait. Lemme reword this.
I'm starting to think… because of this idea, I'm starting to think that I'm the only one who can really see the bad side of people.
I always see the bad side of people. And it's sooo not good to see.

But my vision tries looking for people's bad sides so that I can judge how bad they are. Or how messed up they are.

And once I see that they're either really-really-bitch!bad or just-PMSing, I eliminate the bad and try to see the good in a futile attempt to see the better side of people.

…Wow. Here we go again, ideas. New idea in my head is: I only see the bad side of people.

That's a little scary. o_O

There is no place called home anymore. Sometimes, school was my haven, sometimes it was the apartment. Not anymore, not really. I like walking through abandoned streets where no one ever walks anymore. I like walking the Green Belt with Denise every Thursday, I like going to cafés by. my. self. With a book. With a song. With a story.

Maybe I should move. To Singapore or back to the Philippines. But I know that's not happening. I started this school, I will FINISH this school.

It's all just a matter of Can I? I'm totally failing Ghadimi's class and her class is the worst class right now. I hate her class. There, I said it.

Now. I'm going to stop being depressing because I know that if I read this again in a month or so, I'm going to be like, "Oh, shit. Was the start of second sem that bad?" Or maybe I'm going to be like, "Shuddup, February!Kari. April's worse." Or something along those lines.

But now I'm just gonna have a niiiice cup of shut-the-fuck-up and get back to finishing this demo lab, which I was supposed to finish by five. But I fell asleep.

So sue me.

bitch, arghh, rants, shit you're serious?, friends, fail, me, schizophrenia, sick sick sick, school, working hard or hardly working, evil, oh for fuck's sake, s-t-r-and-ess-fucking-stress, life's a bitch, amgs. migraine, muse

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