Oh, wow, new LJ header/banner thing

Feb 07, 2011 21:10

You know, I might be starting a bank account soon.
Y'know what that means?! I might be able to pay for a FULL livejournal account! Amgs, excited! :)

Umm, I can't write anything inspirational at the moment; nothing important; nothing nice-sounding; nothing funny, even. I'm just … so tired. I'm always tired. But tired in so many ways.

Tired at school, tired after work, tired after PE, tired before chemistry, tired of work, tired of people; just… tired tired tired.

And uh, nothing good really has happened over the past few weeks. It's February. Yay? I'm not really a months person. I kinda just live each one as it is. And yeah! Nothing too happy has happened over the days of February that's actually happened. I can't … write. Yet. Actually, I can't say nothing good has happened because I discovered something!

I brainstorm and get a sh!tload of inspiration at Tully's. And that little fact makes me really happy.

So yesterday, Nanay took me to Tully's because she wanted to go but she didn't want to go alone. So I just went with her. To do my work, too. It's a totally work-related trip to Tully's. (But everyone who really knows me knows that the kind of work I really prefer is a day at the cafe "working" on new fics and stories and songs). So. I tried to work on my latelatereallyreallylate PULL submission about. I won't really talk about it, I'll just say that it's basically inspired by that Friends episode where everyone's stuck in Monica's apartment during a blackout.

Things'll be a little different with mine, though. :) And that's all I'm saying.

Honestly, I can't say much. It's still in the planning-while-writing process. Not the finished-planning-can-now-write-at-full-speed part.

Erm… well! Yeah, anyway. I was thinking about my pathetic career as a fanfic writer and I thought: holy crap. Next Monday is Valentine's Day. And I'm pretty sure that I promised (after posting that Halloween special) that I'd write something for Valentine's Day, too!

So… I spent about 3 minutes pining over a good idea but I couldn't figure one out. For three minutes. Most frustrating three minutes of my life. Seriously. I was thinking so hard.

Then all of a sudden, a sip from my chocolát-mint latte and I've got an idea! But I'm not telling online. It's still in the okay-just-got-a-badass-idea-now-what? process. Worst process ever. No level of productivity at. all.

Just out random, my favorite part of the WRITE-A-FANFIC process is the part where I write the Author's Notes and edit the whole thing.
And the parts where I write a really really really good sentence or paragraph. Heh. Those little parts, I seriously spazz so hard that I'm shaking and I can't type normally for another few minutes.

But other than that…. (That little Tully's inspiration discovery…) nothing special has happened. I had fun finishing the project with Dhilan. Screw Social Studies. I will never grow up to be as insightful or political as anyone else in the class.

I told you. I'll just join the army. Or … wait. I need to be super smart for that.
Okay. "Those who can't, teach."

I'll just teach. Hah :). I have such low standards. Seriously though? I still don't know a lot of my options. I know almost NO options. /sigh

Okay. I guess I'll wrap this up now. I have to finish studying for AMC tests (why, why, why did I join?) so I can do a chem demo lab and watch Bones before 1. :) That's the plan. :)

[I am so obsessed with that show now. I was before, but more so now. x)]

bones, livejournal, self motivation, random, rants, obsessions?, percy jackson and the olympians

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