Things That Piss Me Off

Nov 14, 2010 18:07

There are a few things that make my compassionate side shut down and force out that green, icky, monster that evil!Kari is. (Hey, everyone has that mutated side of them.) Some of them will never go away, I guess. Or maybe, once I've totally gotten used to doing homework after working out or going on a run. Some of them'll probably flutter away once I've gotten into a college. (…If I'll get into a college-hey, you never know when the world's gonna end…)

a) conversations about the future (I'm not there yet, please just STFU until I'm ready to discuss babies and marriage and college, kthxbye)
b) heavy IKEA bags that just won't carry themselves home (… no comment)
c) being distracted every damn second because of Maybelle* (gotta. get. off. Twitter.)
d) being self-conscious (OMFGS, no one gives a fuck about how I look in this blouse, dammit!)
e) jeans that just don't fit properly (thanks, fat-ass legs)
f) my inability to focus (enough said)
g) P&G moving everyone to Singapore
h) my lack of artistic ability
i) never posting my PULL submissions on time (which reminds me…)
j) people at school

[*Maybelle is my laptop, FYI. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WIF THAT!?]

End of.

bitch, arghh, lists lists lists, ca, shit you're serious?, friends, self motivation, me, guilty as charged, sick sick sick, working hard or hardly working, pull, that's how i roll, evil, singapore, oh for fuck's sake, life's a bitch, amgs. migraine, just my luck, vodka

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