not enough valentines - part 1 [sisters grimm : puck/sabrina : pg-13]

Jun 27, 2010 20:18

Title: Not Enough Valentines
Pairing: Puck/Sabrina
Category: The Sister's Grimm
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Differently from the previous Very Happy Holidays installment, Not Enough Valentines introduces what usually happens when two best friends fall in love … on Valentines Day.

Not Enough Valentines - Part I
“Pink… no! Red! Nah… too… Goth, right? How about…” Daphne rambled to herself, asking for Sabrina’s opinion but not really paying any attention to what her sister was planning to say.

Sabrina, however, sat on a soft and cozy chair in Joyous, a dress store in a nearby mall close to Sabrina’s dorm. She blinked at her 16-year-old sister, wondering why the hell people actually celebrated this holiday.

Roses are red,
And violets are blue,
Valentine’s is coming up,
We’ve got the dress just for you!
Shop at Joyous, make this year’s Valentine’s Day even more special than it can be and make it memorable.
Joyous, blah, blah, blah. This place is a lingerie shop for young people who aren’t married yet. Sabrina thought.

“Daphne? Tell me again, why we can’t go somewhere a bit more… civilized?” Sabrina tried to ask her sister again while three rather thin girls around the same age as Daphne simpered their way past Sabrina. To the twenty-year-old, it was rather obvious that they were trying to show off their quite revealed bosoms and legs.

Sabrina shuddered.

Kids today. She thought as her cell phone started vibrating. She took out her phone and checked the number. Smiling, she answered the phone, “Hola?”

“Dude, you have got to stop the Spanish. It’s officially pissing me off now,” a man’s voice answered on the other side of the line.

“Haven’t you gotten it yet, you dweeb? The whole point of español is to piss you off,” Sabrina answered lightly. Puck sighed on the other line.

“You know, you really are a … uh … female dog sometimes,” Puck faltered and his insult failed miserably.

“Are you at the university?” She asked him.

“Yes… and apparently, I’m sitting two rows from a family of five kids touring the place,” He whispered back.

“Five kids? How old are they?” She could hear and picture her best friend swiveling around in his seat to catch a quick glimpse of the subject.

“One baby, one toddler, one 3rd-grade-looking kid, one 4th-grade-looking kid and one 6th-grade looking idiot-girl,” He reported back. Sabrina laughed at the final comment. She shook her head and stood up as she realized that Daphne had moved on to the white dresses.

“Wait, give me a second. I’m with Daphne right now. She’s shopping for a dress for this high school Valentine’s dance,” She told Puck. Immediately, he started making hurling noises.

“’Brina, do not even mention that. The past few days, I’ve been dealing with the guys going wild about what flowers to get their girls, where to take ‘em… what to wear even! Man! Is the world becoming gay or something?!” He exclaimed.

“Puck! Chill! The guys just love their girls, they are acting mature about that for once, and no, the world is not getting gay!” She exclaimed back.

“Yeah, they’re all just getting le-”

“Do not finish that sentence,” Sabrina warned him. He chuckled.

“I’m kidding. Go help your sister, I have to go somewhere for five minutes. I’ll be there soon, okay?” He said.

“Uh-huh. Go ahead and ditch me again,” Sabrina teased him, remembering the last time they scheduled to meet.

“I did not ditch you! It really was the dog! That time it really did jump over three cars!”

“Then it got hit. I know the story,” Sabrina kept taunting him.

“It's not a story!” Puck insisted.

“Right. Buh-bye now,” Sabrina ended the conversation and hung up as Puck started saying something else.

She looked up to see her sister trying to choose between wearing a thin white knee-high strapless and a white dress with spaghetti straps with a rather inappropriate V-line. Sabrina rolled her eyes one final time, grabbed the dress she’d been eyeing for her sister, snatched the other two dresses from Daphne’s hands and shoved the girl into a dressing room with the other dress. After handing the other two dresses to one of the salesladies to return, she called back to her sister, “You’ll thank me later.”

She could hear Daphne huff inside her dressing room but then give a sound of wonder and Sabrina heard her sister try on the dress.

A few seconds back:
“Wait, I have to-” But Sabrina had already hung up the phone.

“-Ask… you… something,” he finished. He stared at his phone as if he could summon his best friend’s voice back into it so he could finish his question.

“Haha. Don’t you hate it when they do that?” A familiar voice rose up from behind Puck. He took hold of his shoulder bag’s sling and hung it over his shoulder.

“When who does what?” he asked his other best friend, Owen.

“When people’s loved ones just don’t listen,” Owen taunted his buddy. Puck scowled at him, “Dude, how many times do I have to tell you that’s she’s my best friend! There’s no going further than that!”

But Owen was stubborn and loved entertainment. Technically, he was a stubborn Australian-American-German-Brazilian college student. But he had all the good looks, all the girls, and as much as you would have wanted to call him stupid, he would shoot you down with some smart comeback.

Every time.

“Are you sure about that? Because I can recall you talking to me about what to tell her … since you’re planning to ask her to the dance,” He teased his friend.

“’Cuz it’s required. Dang it Owen, can’t you understand that? How about you and Remi? I thought you guys were best friends yet you also had to ask her to the dance. Would you look at that? I’m in the same situation you were in 2 weeks ago,” Puck shot. Owen sighed, “But yet, for some reason, I’m falling in love man!”

Puck stared at his friend. Realization dawned upon him.

“Ew. No way.”

“Yes way.”

“You don’t belong with us anymore.”

“No, you guys don’t belong with me,” Owen corrected Puck. Puck raised his hands in confusion and made a face that showed astonishment.

“Owen, man, you are so out of it. You’re pissing me off! You know, I’m not talking to you. Yeah, I’m not talking to you. I don’t know you! Okay?” Puck said to him, rushed. Owen raised his hands in defense, “Okay! Whatever! I’ll be back, though and you know that! And Puck, man, just ask her. If you guys were really best friends, she’ll get it… and everything will change… but everything’ll still stay the same!” And with that, Owen picked up his own bag and walked away, leaving Puck to try and figure out whatever that last phrase meant.

“Right… You know, don’t even think about talking to me!” He yelled to Owen. The family of five stared at him.

“He got me in trouble and I didn’t get a grade I wanted! So, yeah! Just a normal fight, he’ll come around soon,” Puck lied to the family quickly. The mother just stared at him slightly wide eyed and pulled her baby closer to her. The 6th grade girl looked up at him with one of her eyebrows arched. She rolled her eyes and pulled out her iPod.

Oh, you wanna mess? Puck thought. He breathed in deeply and ignored the girl’s disrespect towards him. He turned around and grabbed his bag. Puck headed towards the exit and left the building, towards his dorm. He took out his cellphone and dialed his best friends’ number again, all the while remembering what he had to ask her and why exactly he had to.

“… And to get your full grade for this course, ladies and gentlemen,” Ms. Johnson said in her African-American accent, eyeing each and every student in her class, “Y’all need to choose a darling girl slash guy to dance with for the prom.”

Puck groaned along with half of the people in his class (all the guys) while some girls started giggling and explaining to one another at how easy that would be, or that they already have a ‘darling guy’ to go to the dance with.

Jake, a particular idiot but popular guy in university raised his hand, “It’s only dancing right?”

Ms. Johnson looked at him awkwardly, as if that were the simplest question in the world… which it was, “No, Jake, you two’ll have to jump off a cliff without a proper bungee jumping cord. And then dive into the Amazon River, fish me a couple piranhas and then come back to New York, them piranhas hanging where they shouldn’t be,” Everyone laughed as she tested him as Jake looked thoughtful, “How does that sound?”

“It sounds pretty easy to me,” He answered. Everyone started laughing and chuckling harder. Ms. Johnson shook her head in a friendly way. Puck rolled his eyes at his friend and spoke up, “And what happens if you don’t do this?” Ms. Johnson looked towards one of her best students in her classes.

“But Puck, I’d have thought you’d wanted to do such an easy task to get a bonus for your own grade,” She told him, slightly spilling out the secret of Puck’s perfect grades.

Sabrina, at the back of the English class rolled her eyes as everyone started whispering about Puck’s possible grades.

“So say you didn’t do it. So what? Maybe you probably all went partying somewhere else. Well, tell you what. I’ll give you 5 words,” Ms. Johnson continued answering his question, “I. Don’t. Give. A. Crap.” Everyone broke down laughing and clapping their hands while Puck’s friends clapped his back as their teacher completely dissed him. He raised his hands in defense and laughed along with everyone else, understanding that this task wasn’t required.

At the end of the lesson however, Ms. Johnson called Puck to her desk, “But seriously Puck. You have some potential. If you do this, you can get a high bonus in this English class for socializing during the Prom and afterwards, baby I bet you could get into any job whatsoever!” Puck smiled at his teacher’s friendliness.

“So don’t turn this down. This is a big chance,” She reminded him as he thanked her and walked out the door.

“ANY job!” She called back to him as he walked out of the room.

“I love Ms. Johnson. But seriously! We already had a high school prom. We don’t need a college one.” Sabrina told him as they both walked out of the university together.

“Its for a bonus. To ‘get any job’ apparently,” Puck explained. Sabrina smiled, “I’ve already got a job in mind. I don’t need a bonus in English for it.” Puck shrugged, “You might not, but I might.”

“Hello! Puck! Jeez! It is not supposed to take a guy 2 minutes to answer someone that he’s calling! What do you want?” Sabrina’s voice rang into his head. Puck shook his head, snapping back to reality.

“Oh, crap. Sorry, weird flashback right there.”

“Ok, whatever. What do you want? I’m already at Starbucks. You said you’d be here,” She lightly accused him.

“Yeah, I know. I’m just heading to my dorm right now. You can’t expect me to be there yet. We said 4:00 right? Its only 3:30 and Starbucks is only 5 minutes from my place,” Puck said.

“Sorry, did you just say 3:30? Man, its 3:55 on my clock….” Sabrina corrected him. Puck paused and looked at his watch… yep… 3:55.

“Well, apparently, this watch is old. It ticks slower and old watches do that,” Puck said confidently. Sabrina paused for a while, analyzing how an old watch ticks slower than any new watch.

“What?! How is that possible? Listen, just get your butt over here, I’m getting really bored and if you don’t come any sooner, Daphne will call me, hunt me down and drag me to a jewelry store,” She commanded.

“Yes, oh Mistress of Slavery. I will fetch your scepter from your beloved throne and track you down to present it to you personally,” Puck teased her with a rather thick British accent. Sabrina laughed on the other side of the phone as Puck reached the building where all the college students lived.

“Okay, Mister White Knight. I’ll be waiting,” Sabrina said mischievously. Puck chuckled and shook his head, “Whatever. I’m at the dorms now. I’ll be there in 10, okay? And if Daphne’s trying to call you, block your number so she can’t see it, then answer as if you’re someone from those pizza delivery places. Capiche?” Sabrina laughed and they said goodbye. Puck arrived at his room and dropped off all of his school supplies and any assignments he had and replaced the contents of his bag with his wallet, iPod, his Macbook and his cellphone. Walking out of his dorm, he snatched his keys of their hook next to the door and locked the door behind him.

5 minutes later, he arrived at Starbucks and searched for his beloved friend. He saw her sitting on one of the more comfortable sofa chairs right next to the counter where customers receive their orders. She was talking into her phone rapidly and it was obvious that she was getting frustrated with whoever was on the other side with every word she said.

“Well, I don’t celebrate it!” Sabrina paused for a while, listening to the other person in the conversation, “Well, I’m sorry, but apparently, I’m not you! You’re not me! And you should know, I have a life too! Okay!?” And with that, Sabrina hung up and literally threw her phone back into her bag. Puck approached her slowly as she was rubbing her temples to relieve herself of the stress that had dawned upon her within a single phone call.

“I’m guessing our little high school pipsqueak is pissing you off, huh?” Puck guessed as he sat down next to Sabrina. She didn’t even look up; Sabrina was used to his sudden appearances now and right now just needed some time to breathe and cool off.

“Yeah… it’s all about Valentines… again,” Sabrina muttered, looking up. Her usually bright blue eyes looked a little darkened as she looked up but turned back into their normal sky blue as they watched him. Puck smiled gently at her and asked, “What’d she talk about?” Suddenly, the gray cloud covered her eyes again. Sabrina, rolling her eyes, said, “Well, yesterday she asked me to suggest a really cheesy and sappy movie, and I was working the whole day, today I have had to go shopping with her ever since the grocery store opened at 8:00, up ‘till now! Not to mention she’d been dragging me around the mall only talking about love the whole day! I don’t need Valentines Day!”

Puck gulped. Then does this mean that she’d refuse his request?

…Nah. She’s a nice person…


And apparently, she might not be right now.

“Well, then my reason for being here has just been banished then. So where do you wanna go?” He asked, changing the topic as fast as he brought it up. Sabrina groaned, burying her head in her arms on top of the table again.

“Home,” she replied, her voice muffled. Puck chuckled, “Alright. Home it is. We’ll just hang out there then.” Sabrina’s head shot up, “Wait, what? But I want a cappuchino.” Puck rolled his eyes, “Then get a cappuchino. Jeez, Grimm, it's that simple.” Even thought the two were already in college, and had known each other for at least 10 years now, his nicknames for her never died out. They’d gotten less rude and hurtful but still a bit disrespectful. Sabrina stuck her tongue out at him, picked up her shoulder bag and headed to the counter to order a drink.

A few minutes later, she thanked the woman behind the counter and both Puck and Sabrina headed for the mall’s exit. Neither of them saw Daphne until she called them from behind.

“Sabrina! Puck!” She called. Sabrina’s eyes widened slightly at the sound of her energizer-bunny sister. Puck gave her a look that said Just, chill and he smiled weakly. Sabrina took a deep breath, “At my count of 3. Okay?” Puck grinned and nodded. They both turned around.

“Sabrina! I been calling you and texting you and calling and calling you! But for some strange reason, you haven’t been answering me! Well, you did that one time when you were in Starbucks but you ditched me at Joyous! By the way, that dress you gave me actually looks like a swooner. And those jewels we went through! Gosh, Brian will be shocked!” Puck raised an eyebrow as Daphne got into the flow of talking about love and Valentines Day.

“Is this what you’re talking about?” He asked Sabrina. She shook her head, already tired from hearing 2 sentences come out from Daphne’s love-sick mouth.

“Worse,” she replied.

“Oi! Pipsqueak! I’m still older than you, you know?” Puck piped in randomly, cutting Daphne from her rant.

Daphne suddenly snapped out of her reverie and took in a big breath of air before she would start talking again. Her short pause gave Sabrina a chance to interrupt her.

“Yeah, well, Daphne, I’m sorry for ditching you. But seriously, it’s been a while since I’ve hung out with Puck, and I’ve got dance lessons to teach. Plus, college is piling more work since I’m going to have exams next week and I’m designing the dance for Valentine’s Day at college tomorrow! Not to mention Gran’s coming over with Uncle Jake and Briar and Red for a dinner in 2 days that apparently I have to plan. So if you don’t mind, here you go, a little apology,” Sabrina thrust her cappuchino into Daphne’s currently paralyzed hands, “One, enjoy the cappuchino,” She smiled briefly at her sister, holding up one finger, “Two, we both have a lot of work to do,” she eyed Puck giving him the cue, “And three, buh-bye!” And with that the two spun around and sped away, leaving Daphne dumbstruck, standing in the middle of hundreds of shoppers in the mall. She stared after them, figuring it was no point trying to catch them through the crowd.

“Hey! You can’t do this! You promised to stay with me!” She yelled across the mall to her sister.

“And I did! Just not the whole day!” She yelled back.

“It wasn’t in the contract!” Puck yelled back. Sabrina laughed as her honey-gold hair flew behind her. They reached the front entrance of the mall and realized that they’d just run across the entire shopping center.

“Did you see her face?! She was like, ‘wait, what?!’” Sabrina laughed as she brought in two bottles of coke from her refrigerator into the small dining room she had in her dorm. The two brought their drinks into her living room and sat down to watch a couple of TV Shows that might be showing.

“She’s gonna kill us, you know that, right?” Puck asked Sabrina. She shrugged and took a sip of her coke.

“I’m still older than her. Anyway, what did you want to ask me at Starbucks? You said that ‘the reason for your being there had suddenly been banished’. What exactly did that mean?” She asked.

“Well, see…” he looked at Sabrina briefly before turning away, “sometimes a guy or a girl gets into a sticky situation where they have no idea how to handle things, and if Everafters get into that sort of mess… they get… stuck.” Sabrina blinked.


Puck snorted at her expression, “And apparently, I’ve landed a really bad situation where I have no idea where to go or who to go to.” Sabrina moved her head in a way that urged him to go on, “Your point?” she asked. Puck took a deep breath, “I need a date for the Valentine’s Day Dance. I need this bonus. I don’t want to be homeless when I’m older!”

Sabrina snorted, “What? That’s it? You could’ve told me that in Starbucks! And you want a date for the Valentines Day Dance?! Of all the people!” Sabrina laughed. Puck chuckled, “Yeah, that’s what I thought first. But it’ll be fun. So help me out, or I’ll glue another basketball to your head,” he threatened. Sabrina playfully glared at him.

“Oh. And how do you think you’ll do that exactly, if you’ll be stuck in one of your own laundry bins after I’m done with you?” She backfired. Puck waved that off, “Psh, easy. I’ll just glue my underwear to your head, too.” Sabrina scoffed, “Oh really? So what happens if I beat you up right now?”

“I’d like to see you try,” Puck challenged.

“Oh, it’s on!” Puck and Sabrina jumped up and they both tackled each other to the floor of Sabrina’s dorm. Since they’d become best friends, this was normal now. Their backfires weren’t that harsh and they’d always find a way to say sorry afterwards. After 10 minutes the two were playing a rushed game of tag. Puck caught her and tickled her mercilessly. After a while, they lay on the floor, breathing hard, staring at the complex patterns on Sabrina’s ceiling.

Sabrina realized that they hadn’t even gotten to Puck’s point about Valentines Day so she turned on her side to face him, “So, what’s your point about Valentine’s Day? What do you want from me? I’m just going to set it up and hang out with the rest of my friends who don’t have a date.” Puck sighed. He turned around her and looked into her eyes desperately, “I want you to go with me to the dance.”


I'm not even going to bother finishing editing this because I really don't like it. I've noticed that I rarely like any of my stories. o.O
Um, but yes. Wait for the second installment in a while.
Ehhh, I don't like it. |-(

very happy holidays, fic, pg-13, sisters grimm, puck/sabrina, not enough valentines, sabrina, puck

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