To do a good thing

Oct 29, 2010 23:11

I did a good thing today. So in Costco, all was well. My brothers were actually not pissing me off as always, nothing wrong was really happening and the family was well. Good. Happy. Maybe even content. So I cherished that.

Then when we went to the section where Costco sold clothes … well, let's just say I saw a very nice ADIDAS hoodie and a Junk Food © pullover that looked oh, so very nice. Especially the pullover. I told me papa about the hoodie, of course, being my father, he wanted to see it immediately. Wanted to give it to me. That's why I love him: he wants the best for me.

Even when I don't deserve it.

Kind of like today. My mom, who wants me to know what I deserve (And I think I know what I deserve at this point in my life, I swear. o_o), knew that I already have a good enough number of jackets that should help me survive the winter. Personally though, I didn't choose the majority of the jackets-she did-and I only chose one of the jackets when I bought it.

Anyway, that's getting out of line. I kinda sorta really liked the blue ADIDAS hoodie but when my dad told me to try it on, the situation was getting on the verge of "I think we're gonna buy this…" and it felt like a really bad idea. Why? 'Cause my mom looked fucking pissed.

So the weirdest thing was: First she said, "Don't you have enough jackets?" Then my older brother STOOD UP FOR ME. Lemme say that again. My older brother? My kuya STOOD THE FUCK UP FOR ME-sorry-and said, "But Mom, we say that all the time about your shoes."

Heh, personally, my Muse was like, "BAHAHAHA, U DA MAN, KUYA, U DA MAN" but my conscience was freaking out like, "Not good, not good, she's pissed, feels like we're ganging up on her, not good." And even my dad was like, "Buy it for her. Just. Just buy it for her."

(I think if I were a drama queen, my heart would be breaking because the guys of my family are pretty damn awesome.)

Then Mother was all given up and … y'know. Pissed. So she kinda-sorta grabbed the hoodie and gave it to me and told me, "Fine, let's buy it."

But then, why should I buy it? I couldn't get it when she wasn't even willing to give it to me. Obviously I didn't deserve it. I didn't even want it-want it. I just kinda liked it. (Now, that Junk Food © pullover, that I liked. But I didn't dare mention it at that point.) So, I just put the hoodie back.

Kinda hoping that no one would notice.

So at the Christmas section, Mommy was all, "Get the hoodie. We're buying it," but in that threatening, There-you-got-what-you-wanted-happy? sort of way. Heh, and NO, I wasn't happy, because I didn't want it anymore if she was acting like this. Plus! She completely ditched this lovely purple coat she was gonna buy. (She didn't really want it-want it either, but she NEEDED it). So why would I get the hoodie when she was obviously so against it?

Then Daddy was like, "If you're gonna be like this, we're not gonna get it. Kari, don't get it." And hell, it made sense.

But later, all was well again.
Things just go BAM!inyourfacemotherfucker! and a few minutes later, everything just kind of … simmers down. Reminds me of whenever I cook eggs. Sunny-side up eggs. It always crackles and pops and hisses and kinda just strangles me with blotches of oil everywhere (no, EVERYWHERE), and later, everything just calms down and I can work on cooking the egg properly.

So at Big Boy, the restaurant we ate at, everything was even better than when we started the Costco trip. I don't know. I forgot about the hoodie (I didn't even want it-want it. It just looked nice. How many times do I have to say that?!) and Mum cheered up. Lots. 'Cause I got her a caramel macchiato from Big Boy. HAH. The power of good food.

So I did good today. I've done things like this before, but this action felt particularly special. I don't really know why, I just … maybe it's different because I cheered everyone up in the end.

But I still wanna change my entire wardrobe. (Jeans and lovely shirts is MY style. :p I'm chill and simple like that.)

But I guess not today. Even so, it's okay. :) Everyone was totally happy in the end. Plus. Every time I leave Costco, I always get more than enough. That's what food does.

sick sick sick, second chances bitch, mother, costco, memory, family, that's how i roll, rants, braddas, medalla chronicles, me, muse, father

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