Talk about dedication

Sep 17, 2010 20:24

I just finished watching Anastasia on Mediafire and good lord.

I loved it.
So much.

Especially the Dimitri/Anya love.


I love it so much.

"Heart don't fail me now, Courage don't desert me; don't turn back now that we're here…"

So inspiring. Dear gods. I think purple and dark purple and midnight blue and evening gown purple has become my favorite color. I've fallen in love with the color 'cause of Anas-freaking-tasia.

And I downloaded the entire soundtrack except Rasputin's "THIS IS MY WORLD" theme song. I don't like that. He scares me with all of his unattached limbs. -_-

But DIMITRI. John Cusack. (He was probably younger or something…) But his voice was so HNNNGGGGG. xD And, and, and… Meg Ryan with Anastasia's voice!? Sweet baby Nico, I love it. so. effing. much!

And Anya's singing voice (I'm switching between Anya and Dimitri but still. --wait. I think she's become Anastasia after she discovered her new life with Dimitri. SQUEE!) -- scratch that now. Anastasia's singing voice is just so. WOW. Oh, my god. So touching and has that eerie tone and … and, GAH!

Aaaand apparently I'm not the only one who's ga-ga over the pairing. Deviantart went wild when I searched "dimitri anastasia" and there's so many art -- OMFGS. YES.

Like this one:


Sweet baby Jesus. I have something new to spazz over. And I'm so glad!!! xDDDDD SQUEEEEEE.
Dimitri / Anastasia love.
Holy crap. I need help.

anastasia/dimitri, movies, dimitri, anastasia movie, anastasia, obsessions?

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