I love the new heading

Sep 01, 2010 22:56

I really do love the new heading. It's so soothing and nature-ish and reminds me of my cousin, Athena. I'm so jealous of her name. I wish I was named Athena but it wouldn't match.

I can't be an Athena. Athena's are like … like my cousin.

Actually, I've always imagined Athena's to be something like Annabeth's mom. People who can never catch a break. Like Gale. Bahahaha. Sorry people who're named Athena or all you Gale fans.

Like you, Mom.


Anyway, what else? Ah, yes. I need to get this off of my chest. I have a lot to get off my chest but here goes the more important thing to get off my chest.

I am so fucking scared for karaoke tomorrow.

First of all, it's a good idea, but I'm a damn freshman-woman! You can't expect me to just open up to all those … able-to-hate seniors and juniors! They hate us! We're [freshmen] like cockroaches to them! Jeez. At least there're one or two seniors and this other sophomore I could maybe talk to. Ugh. The sophomore is the grade's drunkard though… so I'm not sure about her. o_O Hale-freaking-llujah.

You can't just dump me into this hole that it'll take hours to climb out of. (Actually the karaoke'll last for about an hour 'cause I'm leaving early with Connie. She rocks.) But still.

Now. What else do I need to get off my chest? Ah! A very important one.

I need to fucking write something.


My inner conscience and my muse is dying. She's sick and my imagination is going haywire, making it so incredibly hard for me to concentrate at school. It's all really very irritating, to say the least.
There's more … oh. Here's one:

If you're gonna tell me you hate someone, don't make posts on Twitter saying you love them.

Not only is it contradicting your past self, but it's so damn rude to me. What the hell was our conversation about then!? It was pointless. That's what it was. And tell you what, cupcake. It was a waste of time, too. Bad cupcake, you are….

Doyyy, I'm so excited for Glee. Gahhhh, I can't wait. What is it, every Tuesday and freaking Thursday again? xD PJO meets Glee. That'd be SO weird.

But yeah. That's all I'll complain about for now. xD Durrrrr, I can't wait for FInchel! xD They are pure OBSESSIVE material. And did I ever mention how much I adore Rachel's name? Rachel Berry. Rachel Berry! Raaaachel… Berry! Rachel … Berry? It's just so cute.

finn hudson, finchel, rants, rachel berry, glee

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