just enough christmas [sisters grimm : puck/sabrina : PG]

Jun 24, 2010 17:31

Title: Just Enough Christmas
Pairing: Puck/Sabrina
Category: The Sister's Grimm
Rating: PG

Summary: When the end of school goes wrong for Sabrina right after Christmas, Puck's Christmas Break begins when one PMS-ing and angry blonde chick just gets pissed.

This entry is either too early, or too late for the previously mentioned holiday. I didn't think it was the best. I don't even remember how old I was when I wrote this but it's just something I'd think some livejournal SG fans might want to read in their spare time. Maybe.

Or maybe if they want to laugh at someone. =p

Just Enough Christmas
Sabrina shivered as she got up off her bed to close the window that was flooding with snow flakes and freezing her room. She didn't expect such a rough blizzard to come in after the last day of school. She sighed as she closed the window and remembered the day earlier. It was nearly perfect until she got home.

"Hey Sabrina!" A familar voice called to her. She turned around and was smacked in the hip with a snowball. She scoffed and glared at her best friend, Lily. The girl giggled and ran for it. Sabrina smirked, put her bag down beside Lily's and her other friends and grabbed some more snow as well. Sabrina quietly stepped to the left of a tree and spotted a glimpse of Lily's blonde hair running for the back of the school.

Sabrina grasped the snowball tightly and ran silently to the other side of the school, hoping to intercept her friend on the other side. Her plan went perfectly and she stopped right in front of Lily. Lily turned around and gasped as she saw her best friend right in front of her. The girl tried to stop by digging her heels into the snow but that only made her slip and fall to the ground. Lily tried getting to her feet but Sabrina tossed the snowball ever so lightly and it hit Lily's face.

Sabrina laughed and dashed the way Lily had come to the back of the school. All of a sudden, a hoard of snowballs flew towards her. All her other friends had taken the distraction to get ready a bunch of snowballs and charge against their friend. Sabrina ducked and ran back to the back of the school. There was a snowfort ready there, made during recess by a bunch of smaller kids. She ducked behind it and waited for the other team's ammo to run out. She heard movement beside her and saw Lily crouching there as well.

"What the crap are you doing here?" She said.

"Hiding? Its us against them now. That's it. 2 against..." she stopped and peered oer the snowfort. another wave of snowballs flew towards her and she ducked.

"2 against 25, I bet, judging from the amount of snowballs," She gasped. Lily blanched and began making snowballs and laying them beside her.

"No, no, no. That is not going to work Lilian. we're gonna need to intercept them from behind. Like I did with you." Lily stared at her, "If we even kneel up, we'll be pelted by millions of snowballs!" Sabrina shrugged, "No sacrifice, no victory." Lily scoffed but laughed at the quote from Transformers.

"Ready, set, go!" They both stood up and bolted for the front of the school. As soon as they stood up, a bunch of snowballs did pelt them in their heads, bodies and legs.

However, they both made it to the front of the school, loaded in snow.

"Ok... maybe I was wrong... I think its 2 against 40 or something. Did we do something wrong?" Sabrina gasped. Lily laughed, "No... I don't think so. Girl! We cannot get out of this one. We'll die!" Sabrina's view snapped to her best friend, "Lil... cut the drama! its not like war or something! And don't say we can give up. We can't give up! No sacrifice?" Lily sighed, "No victory."

"So, come on. We'll take them down just like we beat Puck and his buddies." At the thought of the memory, Lily laughed and Sabrina smiled when she boosted her friend's spirit.

After 30 tiring and hell-filled minutes, Sabrina, Lily, their friends and Puck's friends lay in the snow gasping for air. Sabrina and Lily stood up and Sabrina pointed at all of the bodies on the ground. She laughed weakly and said, "Ha! (breath) We... (breath)... got you... all! How's that for a story to tell this Christmas Puck!" Everyone laughed and Puck got up.

"Whatever blondie. You too've practically ... killed everyone...(breath) on the (breath) floor. We really didn't think you could ... (breath) win against us (breath) 2 vs. (breath) 42." Lily blanched again, "42?" Sabrina laughed, "Yes, Lilian... 42. Not 40."

Everyone laughed again. After 10 minutes, everybody started getting up and going home, wishing everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year and saying their goodbyes. Puck looked at Sabrina, who was tending to a cut on her leg. He cocked an eyebrow and went over to help her. "So... who gave you that bruise?" He asked calmly. Sabrina glared at him and went back to cleaning the injury.

"You." Puck laughed. she glared at him again and he stepped back, holding his hands up in defeat. "Hey, sorry! I didn't mean to hit you that hard..." She sighed and said, "Isn't there anything we do together that doesn't get any one of us injured?" Puck pretended to think and finally pretended to receive an idea."I know! Whenever we argue! No one ever gets hurt." Sabrina stopped cleaning her cut. That was not true. Every single insult he fired at her pierced her right through the heart. She was just a pro at not showing it. right now, she would've fired back an insult at him as well but was too tired to.

Puck waited for the insult. Nothing came back. He started to worry, "Wait... then... who gets injured when we argue?" Sabrina didn't reply again. Instead, she stood up, grabbed her bag and looked at him one more time before walking towards the hill their house was on. Puck, confused, grabbed his bag and flew to follow her. He tried to take her hand but she backed away, "Get away from me."

The memories of all their fights, all their good times, and each insult flew into her hand. She looked at him and felt an urge to hit him. Puck landed on the snow and blinked, worried, "Sabrina? What's wrong? What'd I do?" Sabrina scoffed with laughter and kept walking but backwards, to face him. "You don't even know, do you? Its Christmas tomorrow and I just can't wait for our next argument," her voice was filled with sarcasm. Puck frowned and asked, "What is your problem? Just frickin' tell me and I'll make it up to you." Sabrina laughed again, turning around with her back to him now.

"Since when do you care?" She finally ended the conversation and broke off in a run to get to her room, leaving Puck standing in the snow, trying to remember what he did wrong.

Sabrina sighed at the memory. Things were going perfect that day, she'd gotten A's in the many tests she had handed back. She'd received parting gifts from friends going somewhere else for Christmas. And then Puck.

Jeez. Its Christmas! She thought. These things are not supposed to happen during Christmas!

She got up and changed for the occasion. Granny Relda had planned a Christmas party, inviting their close friends such as Snow White, Charming, Cinderella and a few more people they had gotten close to. She yawned, rubbing her face and walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day. When she opened the door, Puck was just leaving the bathroom. He opened his mouth to say something but she ignored him and walked into the bathroom. Puck sighed outside the bathroom, "Merry Christmas," he whispered before walking downstairs. She blinked and nearly followed him but restrained against it and brushed her teeth, suddenly confused.

Oh my god. I just got pissed at him for no reason. He's Puck! if he's not arguing, and I'm not arguing... then there's no family. Crap, Sabrina, you doof! She thought. I have to make it up to him.

When she walked downstairs, Puck, Uncle Jake and Briar were the only ones at the table while Granny Relda was cooking some pinkish, strawberry-smelling pancakes for breakfast. Uncle Jake and Briar were whispering something to Puck and when I walked in, they stopped. Uncle Jake whined for some reason. I could only guess that Briar had kicked him under the table.

"Well! Good morning Sabrina! I'm gonna go for a walk with my lovely fiance! So! ... Ya...!" He said, awkwardly and a little too loud. Briar blushed bright red, embarrassed for herself, Puck and her fiance. Briar stood up and walked to the living room with Jake following her. He stopped next to Sabrina and whispered, "I have a feeling that you two need to talk." He looked at his mother over in the kitchen, finishing the flapjacks. She looked up surprised and said quietly, "Oh." She followed her son out to the living room, leaving the two teens to talk and ... do whatever teenagers do today.

The two were left there in the dining room, not really knowing what to do in the awkward silence. Sabrina finally heaved a sigh and walked over to a chair beside Puck. He smirked at her and waited. This time, both of them knew that it was her turn to say something.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I know I did something wrong and I wasn't thinking," Sabrina finally confessed. Puck leaned back in his chair, waiting for more. He needed an explanation in why he blew up on her and wouldn't tell her exactly why. Sabrina knew this just as well as he did.

"Well…?" He said. Sabrina sighed again, suddenly getting irritated when she realized that he was finding this confession amusing.

"Do you want the apology or a show?" She tested him. He snorted. Puck leaned forward in his seat and ran a hand through his hair. It was only now that he noticed how much Sabrina had grown up.

Wait, what the crap? What? He thought, shaking the thought from his head. But he looked at her again. She was wearing a green Abercrombie & Fitch © t-shirt over a long sleeved shirt and some black jeans with brown converse boots to go with. In her sky blue eyes, he could see how much her heart had grown in strength ever since her parents had woken up. Her face became more mature and calm. She had lost most of her impatience and now looked like a beautiful young lady waiting for something new in her life. Puck could see it in her. It was practically radiating out of her aura. She was really wild and needed something or someone to keep her alive and moving.

"Uh… Puck? Are you ok or something? You look like you just came out of a coma…." Puck snapped back to reality and shook his head, trying to rid a few new dirty thoughts about him and Sabrina. He looked at the girl and remembered about what they were actually doing in this place.

"Coma? What about you, Grimm? You're the one trying to kill me for something I don't even remember doing!" He accused. She reared back, jerking from her caring personality to the real Grimm.

"Excuse me?"

"Why the hell are you accusing me of hurting you? I've saved your ass more than a hundred times now I bet!" Sabrina really jerked back this time, scared at this new Puck who was talking in a cruder way.

"Why are you talking like that?" Puck paused for a while, breathing as he listened to a new voice of Sabrina. A scared voice.

"You know what, screw you, Grimm. I'm sorry for whatever I just did to you, but I'm outta here." He said, getting up and heading for his room. Sabrina blanched out this time. (Apparently, she'd been influenced in blanching by Lily.) Did he just apologize to her? He got up and ran to catch up with him. She took his hand and asked, "What?"

"I said, I'm sorry! I don't even know what I did but its Christmas. I'm trying to boost the spirit." Sabrina's heart fell down back in her soul a bit. But why? Was she hoping that he was just trying to make her feel better?

"Ok. Fine. I'll tell you why." She paced outside the dining room for a while before noticing that Jake, Granny Relda and Briar were peeking out at them from the living room. She blinked at them and backed away to the front door. She beckoned Puck to follow her. He arched an eyebrow but followed her nonetheless. They both grabbed their coats from the coat hanger near the door and headed out into the snow.

"Ok… so. Every argument we've had… sure, they're fun, they're annoying and hell, yes they piss me off but we're not a family if we don't argue right?" Puck raised an eyebrow slightly but nodded.

"Just hear me out. And recently, since we're starting high school next year, for some reason, you've started swearing and taking on a bit more rude insults. And god! They are what really hurt and piss me off nowadays. So … just this Christmas, maybe this month, can you, cut it low during the arguments?" Puck stared at her.

"You know…" He said slowly, as if tasting the words for the first time. Sabrina waited and readied herself for a following insult or some sort of crack he'd think off.

"…you could've just told me that when it did hurt and not making a fuss right now. I'd have stopped." Sabrina scoffed, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah. I would've," He repeated. Sabrina looked at his eyes sincerely. They seemed modest and honest enough.

"Aw, c'mon. I'm sorry. Gimme a hug." He joked, holding his arms out open for her. She smiled and walked forward. Puck seemed a bit surprised that she actually came forward but lost his suspicion when she smashed a snowball into his chest.

"That's just to get back at you for our, oh, I don't know, 3 years of arguments?" She snapped, but there was a touch of amusement and playfulness in her voice. Puck didn't insult her, he just laughed… and fired another snowball at her. Pretty soon, the two were in another intense snowball fight that redid the battle yesterday, only smaller.

Somehow, the fight ended with Sabrina crashing on top of Puck and both of them falling into a small heap of snow, actually laughing. They're laughter slowed down when they realized that they were in a very unusual position.

"Maybe you should… get off now?" Puck said quietly, as if not wanting her to. She smirked him, scaring him a little at the glint of mischief in her eyes.

"I don't know… because for some really weird reason, I really want to kiss you," She whispered. Puck's breathing quickened. Was she psychic or what?

"No one's stopping you," He whispered back. She looked back at him, a bit surprised, but leaned forward. Their faces drew closer before Sabrina moved forward a bit and touched his lips with hers ever so lightly.

Pretty soon, they both drew confidence in this new sensation and moved a lot closer… even a bit too close for 8th graders. Puck had his hands wrapped around her waist and hers were on his cheeks, moving down to his neck and back up to his hair. Before they could actually begin to get too far, she pushed off him and stood up. Puck was still lying there, a bit flustered and red with even more messy snow-covered blonde hair. Sabrina smiled and giggled to herself silently. She pulled him up and he hugged her.

"Uh…" She muttered.

"C'mon, seriously," Puck complained, "We practically made out very heatedly right there and you can't even take hugging me?"

"No, its not that… just… I wasn't expecting it right after our 'heated make-out session'," Sabrina fired back. Puck sighed. Man… they were still arguing. They started walking back to the house and he put one hand around her waist whilst they were walking.

"I forgot why we were fighting," Sabrina informed him.

"Does it matter?" He replied. Sabrina thought about this. He had a point.

"Yeah, whatever. Guess you're right," She kissed him lightly again, "Thanks for apologizing," she said reluctantly.

"And thank you for confessing. Merry Christmas," Puck replied with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

"Right back at'cha! Merry … Christmas!" Sabrina ended her greeting with a snowball in his face again, running towards the house.

"Oh, no you didn't," Puck said evilly, chasing after her.

"Oh, yes, I did!"


Actually, before I forget, this is actually the first chapter of the Very Happy Holidays series. It's not so much a series, per se. Just a collection of fluffy one-shots (and three-shots) during the holidays. Based on the Sisters Grimm, of course. More to come later?

very happy holidays, christmas, fic, pg, sisters grimm, puck/sabrina, sabrina, puck

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