drabble: Age Difference [pjato : nico/rachel : pg]

Aug 05, 2010 01:24

Title: Age Difference
Pairing: Nico/Rachel
Category: Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

The first time he noticed: high school graduation. She celebrated at a bar. Steam.

Him? Stuck babysitting at camp.

The second time: he kissed her good luck before she started college. Students were staring.

The third time: she got back from her first job interview. Nico had to ask.

“Is it weird that I’m younger than you?”

Rachel laughs. “No. You’re smarter and sexier than every asshole my age.”

“Including Percy?”

“Is he twenty-two?” Nico had to smile.

“So, it doesn’t bother you?”

“Nope. You love me and I love you. Isn’t that enough?”

And that’s true. It is.

Posted this on FanFiction before I could get to LiveJournal. I've been so choked up with my laptop tonight, 'cause yesterday, I hadn't done a single thing with it. I've been reading Catching Fire, which is… not bad. ^^ I can't say anything right now. I'm still in the last third of the book. But I'm nearly done!

Aw, damn. I just remembered. My mom stole my bookmark and now she's sleeping. Where's the bookmark? Under her.

-_- Oh wells. Hope you liked this one! I sure did. Nico/Rachel. FTW. =)

bookmark, shirley temples, fic, drabble, pg, nico, percy jackson and the olympians, rachel

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