history study

May 24, 2005 17:27

Seeing as we have a shitload of stuff to know in history, i am going to post a typed version of the study guide and fill it in with definition as i find them. It would be awesome if some of you would take some of the terms and post the definition in the form of comments or something, Im asking maybe one person take 2-10 another 11-20 etc, pretty soon we'd have all of them. Lets do it! (Yes, i know i started at 2, shut up)

http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/gahff/html/ff_000107_entries.htm is a great place for defs.

EDIT: Caroline rules hardcore and gave me this to post. She would like to warn everyone that some are incomplete, but for the most part good. Thank her when you get the chance. The whole "fill in the blanks" thing still stands.

KKK 1860’s - soc response to reconst, kill radical rep party, undermine reconst, control over black labor force, racial supremacy in S, lynching,

KKK 1920’s - fear of social change

Presidential Reconstruction - 1865-66, 10% plan, support emancipation, only whites can hold office, once criteria completed s. states rejoin union

Congressional Reconstruction - 1867-77, radical republican - wade-Davis, 10%ofo voters pledge allegiance, safeguard for emancipated slaves - freedman’s bureau, civil rights act 1866, take land from plantation owners, accept 13th amend, then s.states can rejoin

Freedman’s Bureau - safeguard for emancipated slaves - welfare - food, clothing, medical care, education

Lincoln’s 10% plan - moderate republican plan, 10% voters from 1860 election had to pledge allegiance to US, then form state gvt, quick reunion

Radical Republicans - don’t trust S, wade-Davis, reunion with change, teach a lesson, protect exslaves, takes longer

Black Codes - slavery under a different name, reestablish power over blacks - can’t look for word w/o pass from white employer, limit econ opportunity - prevents black mobility - forces them to stay on plantation, vagrancy laws - punishment - involuntary plantation labor, safeguard for planters - blacks can’t rent land in urban areas, prevents blacks from learning new trades

Jim Crow Laws - segregation, literacy requirements, voter registration, separate but equal establishments

Compromise of 1877 - reconst ends, give up protecting blacks, dems get control in s,

Reconstruction Amendments - what do they protect? - Protection against discrimination by individual/private businesses no longer applies, WHITE SUPREMACY

Booker T. Washington - stop short of directly challenging white supremacy, avoid soc equality - accept soc inequality for education and econ equality

W.E.B. Dubois - demand complete equality

Effects of IndRev - soc, pol, econ - nativism, mass production, class stratification - jobs taken by machines, dehumanization - loss of individuality, exploitation of workers - conditions poor/dangerous, worst jobs

Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 - legal equality, not social, separation does not mean inferiority,

Knights of Labor - Knights of labor - took over for NatLabor union, National Labor Union - exclude Chinese, nominal efforts for women and blacks

Am Federation of Labor - skilled laborers, not unskilled

Immigration 1880’s-1890’s - nativism - fear of job competition, fear of mixing cultures

Social Gospel - insist churches tackle social issues of the day - socialism - to prepare for progressive reform movement

Gospel of Wealth - godliness is in league with riches

Wm Jennings Bryan - Gold Cross Speech 1896 - plea for silver - unlimited coinage of silver at ratio of 16 oz silver to 1 oz gold

Goals of Populism - graduated income tax, gvt controlled rr, free silver - infusing $ supply with gold and silver

Pendleton Act - magna carta of civil-service reform - made compulsory campaign contributions illegal, establish Civil Service Commission to make appointments to fed jobs

Interstate Commerce Act - prohibit rebates and pools, require rrs to publish rates openly, forbade unfair discrimination against shippers, outlaw charging more for short haul than long one over same line, set up Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce legislation

Interlocking Directorate - group of companies who only do business with each other because one or a group of people are the head of those companies

Sp-Am war 1898-1900 - goals, results - Sp has Cuba, wants democracy for Cuba, end to colonialism in w hem, more trade for US, US gets Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba Philippines

McKinley’s policy towards Philippines - wants control over them - $ for improving roads, sanitization, public health - compulsory Americanization

Open Door Policy - announce respect for certain Chinese rights in leaseholds and spheres of influence

Teddy’s Domestic policies - three C’s - control of corporations - Hepburn act - prohibit free passes - RR, Elkins act - prohibits rebates, consumer protection - meat inspection act - fed inspectors of meat shipped over state lines, pure food and drug act - prevents mislabeled food and drugs, conservation of natural resources - newlands act - gvt collects $ from sale of w. land and uses it for finding irrigation projects, forest reserves, trust busting, environment - gvt sets aside forests to conserve, save them from business interests

Teddy’s Foreign Policies - Roosevelt Corollary - wants LatAm countries to be stable and self-supporting, prevent Eur intervention, Panama canal - international police power

Muckrakers - dug for stuff public loved to hate, directed towards social evils, treatment of women, slums, industrial accidents, child labor

Progressivism - 4 strands, goals - humanization of capital (force on owners needs of workers), Americanization of society (need to help immigrants assimilate to am society), democratization of politics (eliminate corrupt gvt), rationalization of econ (attempt to impose rules for capitalists)

Meat inspection act - fed meat inspectors for meat shipped over state lines

Wilson’s 14 pts - goals for postwar world - league of nations, national self-determination, abolish secret treaties, freedom of seas, removal of econ barriers, reduction of armament barriers, adjustment of colonial claims

Taft’s foreign policy - dollar diplomacy - encourage US investments in LatAm because it helps US econ, helps stabilize pol/soc/econ situation in LatAm

Immigration act 1924 - quota from 3% to 2%, absolutely no Japanese, fear of corruption of am society, loss of traditional American culture, ideas am rejects

Election 1912 - Taft, Teddy, Wilson, split rep party - teddy new nationalism, takes progressive party, Wilson new freedom

Fed reserve act 1913 - 12 regional reserve districts each with a bank, can issue paper $

Civil liberties in WWI - schenk v. US 1919 - affirm legality of revocation of rights in a crisis - loss of freedom of speech, criticism of gvt punishable

Volstead act 1919 - cong, 18th amend, alcohol, legal abolition of alcohol

Butler act 1925 - teaching of evolution - evolution challenges bible, more moral challenges, new ideas/independent thought instead of conforming to bible/moral standards

19th amend 1920 - gives women right to vote

New deal programs - 1st new deal - recovery - stimulate econ, reopen banks, reduce debt, create jobs, 2nd new deal - reform - prevent it from happening again, Glass-Steagall Bank Act- stimulate econ and reopen banks - FDIC-fed deposit influence corp., AAA - agricultural adjustment act - stabilize prices and limit overproduction, CCC- Civilian conservation corps - jobs for young men (18-25) - manual labor, TVA - Tennessee valley authority - build dams - bolster econ, cheap electricity, jobs, NIRA - national industry recovery act - creation of industry, wide codes - hours and wages, 3 parts of social security - unemployment insurance - severance pay for those laid off/fired through payroll taxes paid by employers - public assistance - state and fed gvt split cost for the needy - worker insurance - employees put a %age of wages and employers match it - old age pension, WPA - works progress association - gave people job to try to stimulate econ

4 responses to great depression - perseverance - to endure, rebellion - to rebel, empathy - connection based on own experience, community - coming together

Causes of great depression - overproduction, overexpansion of credit, economic problems abroad - Hawley-smoot tariff - dry up trade abroad, drought in Mississippi valley, technological unemployment

Blitzkrieg - Hitler’s attacks - disregard Versailles treaty - compulsory military service, into Ger. Rhineland, demand Sudetenland, take over Czechoslovakia, attack brit

Quarantine speech - economic embargoes against foreign powers that are aggressive to pressure them to stop

Atlantic charter - self determination, removal of econ barriers, new league of nations, freedom of seas, disarmament

Lend lease 1941 - US lends/leases military supplies to GrBrit or any country/nation important to nat security

June 4, 1944 - got Rome back from Ger., anzio beachhead attack

Hiroshima/Nagasaki - atomic bomb used b/c jap not surrender

Berlin airlift 1948 - supplies to Berlin by plane from Am, Stalin blocked all ways to Berlin to starve allies out of Berlin so he can have it

Iron curtain speech - iron curtain dividing euro, USSR not heed agreement at Yalta - want control, don’t care about what they promised

Truman doctrine - wants $ to help those who want to be free from communism

Marshall plan - US plan for eur econ post WWII $12.5 bil to jumpstart econ and avoid comm. appeal

NATO - defensive alliance in W eur, defend each other if attacked

Brown v. Topeka Board of Education 1954 - segregation unconst by 14th amend

Civil rights act 1964 - can’t discriminate on basis of race, gender, nationality, or religion

Voting rights act 1965 - outlaw literacy tests

Birmingham protests 1963 - end discrimination and segregation through peaceful means

Children’s march 1963 - adults can’t protest, but kids can

SNCC - student nonviolent coordinating committee - peaceful students

SCLC - southern Christian leadership conference - peaceful adults

March on Washington - peaceful protest, I have a dream speech

Great society programs - educational aid - head start - fed funded preschool and kindergarten for poor, immigration reform - immigration and nationality act, medical care - Medicare - elderly, Medicaid - for poor, voting rights; VISTA - volunteers in service to America - domestic peace corps, job corps - basic job training, office of economic opportunity, national endowment for humanities, Nat endowment for arts

Black power - peaceful to violent (self defense) protests, black panther party - Stokely Carmichael, 10 pt program - freedom, equal employment, housing, education, end to robbery, exempt from military service, free jailed blacks, end to police brutality, jury of black peers, basic necessities

Gay liberation - stonewall riots

Women’s liberation - social equality, job opportunity equality, NOW - national organization for women, for equality

MAD - mutually assured destruction - Cuban missile crisis - brinksmanship - policy of pursuing an dangerous course of action to brink of catastrophe

Cuban missile crisis - missiles pointed toward US in Cuba, by USSR, we’ll shoot at USSR if anything happens, standoff, stalemate, USSR eventually gives in

McCarthyism - name people as comm./sympathizers, see comm. everywhere

MLK - peaceful protests

Malcolm X - black power - move to more violent protests

Korean War 1950-1953 - nkor comm., skor noncomm, nkor invade to make kor all comm., UN troops to push nkor to 38th parallel ended by an armistice - stalemate

Vietnam - reasons for staying - free from France b/c it’s a colony, Vietminh’s goal, Vietcong, COMMUNISM,
- Reasons for going - don’t know who enemy is - all look the same, no home field advantage

Vietnamization - slow withdrawal from viet

LB Johnson - limited warfare, escalating warfare

Nixon - anti communist, slowly withdraw from viet

Containment - quarantine
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