Dec 11, 2004 14:51
Libby Miller
I'll be honest. I didn't know what to think of you when we first met. After knowing more of the real "you", I realized that you are a great, kind and considerate person. I'm still not very eager to "hand you over" to one of my dearest friends, but, what the hell... I trust you with him, and there is no arguement in that. I look forward to whatever the future may bring for you and him. Also, if that last sentance was an example of bad grammar, fuck it. I don't care. Take care of him.
Amanda McDonald
I love you. 'Nuff said.
Lara Hall
What can I say about such a close and dear friend that I haven't already told you during our conversations? You are such a great person and I'm so glad that I know you. Every time we're together, new memories are made for not only us, but for all the rest of our friends to treasure. (I hope that last sentance made sense.) We've had some great times and I cherish every moment together. I hope that our friendship will stand the test of time. I love the hell out of you, and I know there will never be a time when I have to truthfully ask: "Are you my friend?"