Jun 11, 2009 00:07
So the 48 Hour Film Project was kind of a fail, but a good experience none-the-less. In the meantime I've been focusing on karate. I finally got my Gi (uniform) the other day. I look all official and spiffy now. Ju Shihan also asked me to say the honorific ritual we do before and after every class in Japanese and I didn't mess it up! I don't think he's ever asked a white belt to do it before, and he said he was very impressed with me and I was proud of myself.
Also today I ran a 5K in 38:36. I beat my time from last year! Go me!
For the past couple of days I have been randomly developing hives for no reason. And I'm not talking about a few little bumps. I'm talking like my entire body completely engulfed in red.
Tonight is the first night I do not have them. Hopefully this is a continuing trend. Also I really hope I'm not allergic to my air conditioner, that would also suck. Keep on keepin on.