I felt like playing RO again, will start after the exams, but I have no idea how to play xD this is one of the weirdest ads I've ever seen, it mighta made more sense if I could understand it -.-" but yeah... poor guy died and respawned as a poring...
Aside from that, Jap lessons were totally horrific.
Interesting things that happened throughout the day:
- There was a fire alarm in the middle of exams and everyone was evacuated, this was because someone burnt a piece of toast...
- Minglez and me see the Rainy signing xD so many people were lining up and all dressed up to see her and I barely even knew who she was xD
- Minglez: 東京はおいしいです!(Tokyo is delicious)
- After sitting and eating for about an hour out at the food courts in market city, we played on time crisis a bit and went back to central. Walking through the park, our laziness got to the point where we decided to sit down and admire the scenery. We're obviously getting old -.-"
Anyway, tickets for the Rain concert havn't come for me to pick them up yet and I'm buying 4-.-" I hope we get the old ticker prices that I originally planned to buy cause the ticket prices have doubled.