Another silly weekend

Nov 21, 2004 12:09

Yeah so i tried once again to get a permit over at the dmv, but they suck butt. The sever was down in Ritchmond so that somhow made it imposible for them to process any paper wor/documante for up here. Bah next week once more to the DMV. Hehehe i jay walk in front of the dmv i'm so proud of myself.:)
After that i went to this craft show in at the DC convention center. Man talk about hoity toity beyotches with poles up their rumps. Some of the stuff was realy cool but impracticle or pricy in the range of a museum purchase. The glass art was cool tho. I got in for free w/alex and robert. Hehe they were both with me! Robert told me about it cause 2 of the artists are staying with him for the weekend. One of them is Ester and she makes these awsome dreidels and wedding ring. (guess what shes jewish!) Cute silly old lady! the other one made pottery. Not that great but its a tallent i admire. The was sillinest, and ugly, and woo thats beautifullness galore! Heheh the name on my "get in for free" badge was robert's stepmom. Alex got a ticket.
Later I was gonna get my belly button peirced (bout damn time too) but people close at like early times. So that failed, but i did get royally drunk and was silly!!!!!!!!!!
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