Live Journal. Can you hear me? :)

Nov 29, 2008 12:23

Its been a while, but I feel like sharing my feelins with live journal. I feel happy to have found someone who I feel like I have known my whole life. But then again, I sometimes feel lost. I feel lost when I doubt. I doubt when I think. I think b/c I get scared. And when it starts, I can't stop. I just keep thinking and thinking and thinking about stupid things, but since I think so much, it becomes reality. I get scared b/c im so attached and I don't want to let go or be let go. I know its only in my head, but is it really? I hate being in ackward situations and acting like nothings wrong when its sooooo obvious. I hate feeling like people are hiding things from me. How am I suppose to trust?
I feel like i jumped into something that was not finished and ready to begin something new even though he begs to differ.Did I take something away from someone? Am I the bad person? Should I step away? I know you say this is your dream, but its my dream now.I thought you already found someone else who was your new dream. This isn't anything new and I know we are all probably over it by now, but I still doubt. I love him and I know he loves me.

I worry too much.
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