
Jul 01, 2009 01:45

I got the wii fit for my birthday...and I bought endless ocean! The game is chill and awesomeness. But I did 25 minutes  of random exercises and holy fuck am I sore. I used to be a nationally ranked athlete, and now, I'm a fat piece of unshapen lard. well, that's hyperbole but you get the point. I'm liking the yoga the most. Everyone--paul, his two sisters and his mother have wii fit profiles, and it's so funny! We just laughed our asses off watching one another do the fitness test . I'm 28 years old because that one balance test is the devil incarnate.

But anywho i'm glad, because now I can have fun and tone up! Now for some bulletin styled updates because I like brevity!
  • Really craving that new Baby circus print, the underbust version! Totally cannot wait for photos
  • I work 3-12 on friday and the 4th of july :P :P :P :P :P :P
  • I'm not sick anymore! Well, I've been taking my medicine and drinking lots of water!
  • Endless ocean is so much fuuuun
  • Got my used meta skirt and although it's a tad short (I keep on forgetting i'm 5'8 -_-;) It fits really well. My mom even said it was well-made, and that's a first! She thinks my ETC skirts could be made better, and I agree. They don't have too much shape but w/e!
  • Will be receiving two pairs of SS replic shoes mid-july in red and white. I need red shoes! Hopefully they fit well...I would cry if they didn't
  • I need to sell my juicy couture banana split sundae charm. I hardly wear it :P I think i'll post it on the sales comm later tmro
  • new unbirthday party planning in the works...let's just saying someone will be murdered! :O a mystery, my good sir!
  • Has hello kitty balloon :D



wii, meta, birthday, fit, baby, skirt

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