Episode 2: and Creative Commons Licensing

Jul 30, 2009 19:09

If you are interested in the Magical Symbol System that I've created and developed over the past eight years or so please take a look at Episode 2 of "Magus Arts Presents".

From listening to "The Psychedelic Salon" and other shows in the podcasting niche I seem to find myself listening to a lot, I've discovered Creative Commons Licensing. There are several types of licenses, but the general idea is that you make your work available for others to build off of or present without legal restrictions as long as they give you attribution. Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV is distributed under this license and I made use of a few tracks in the new episode laid under a track of Terence McKenna talking about the future of language.

I am so thrilled to have discovered Creative Commons. I can't wait to get some more time to surf Jamendo some more, where I found the intro and outro music for Episode 2. Tryad is amazing.

Collaboration rocks!

In that vein if you would like to make use of any of my work, please do. I would be thrilled if others could build off of the symbol system I have developed. All I ask is that you share your efforts with me.

magick, cc, podcast, symbolism, copyright

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