ages since an update

Jul 02, 2006 00:10

My last day of work as a canvasser was yesterday. Knocking on doors and talking to lots of people had its ups and downs. Obviously there were a few rude people. Probably the most disturbing thing was the wide ranging appathy I encountered. The majority of people realized the problem with health care and agreed a non-profit alternative would be good. But, most of these people could care less about doing even a small bit to work towards a solution.

The thing I really liked about canvassing was really getting a sense of what the population was like (or as much of a sense of that as one can get from 30 seconds to 10 minutes on a persons doorstep). It was fascinating to see how the propoganda machine planted ideas in peoples heads. I loved all the people who were nice enough to invite me into their homes. It was like my own personal census of the Puget Sound area. I'm still processing everything, but I feel like I learned a lot.

I never thought I'd say this; but, I'm actually excited to be moving back to Longview. Hahaha, seeing that in print is funny. Summer and I are going to be freeloading off of our parents for a year or so. This will enable us to pay off debt and save money to buy a house somewhere (or take off and do a bunch of traveling). It will be wonderfull to be so much closer to Sekhet-Maat, and be able to be active again there. Seattle is a nice enough place. It's just too big for me.

Tonight we went to the Seattle Astronomical Society's monthly star watching party. There were probably about eight or nine people who had set up their telescopes in a park near our house for the public to come gaze through. We saw the moon in great detail, Jupiter (you could make out a few bands of different color) and a four of its moons, two binary stars, and two nebulae. I got a kick out of seeing so many geeks in their element, obviously eating up being the centers of attention. Even amature astronomy looks like an expensive hobby. But it was cool to spend a few hours observing the heavens. Oh yeah we also saw the International Space Station cruise by overhead. It moves really fast! Apparently it's in a low orbit around the planet and circles the entire globe in less than an hour.

In other random news, I created a video for the 6/6/6 ritual at SML. I wasn't there for the ritual, but I've gotten a lot of positive feedback (was glad to hear the optical illusion I put into Samekh worked out). From what technical glitches i heard about I was inspired to do some research and located some software so that I can mix video live (and apply affects to the transitions). I'm heavily considdering trying to put together something crazy for Winter Solstice. But the decision on that will have to wait untill I get settled back in Longview.

Okay that's enough for now...
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