Instead of double moons (rather heavily used), have the star a F (white) or K (orange). Both have Life Zones roughly in line with what our sun has.
Since the world is mostly desert, it won't reflect as much light back, so it won't take much to raise the temperature.
A F2 star with the same magnitude as our sun would have a world in earth's orbit having a base surface tempertaure of 213F (not the final temp, there are adjustments to that). A world in Mar's orbit would have a base temperture of 72.5F.
about ten pages into making the changes to my story.
Been thinking about your SF story you mentioned.
Instead of double moons (rather heavily used), have the star a F (white) or K (orange). Both have Life Zones roughly in line with what our sun has.
Since the world is mostly desert, it won't reflect as much light back, so it won't take much to raise the temperature.
A F2 star with the same magnitude as our sun would have a world in earth's orbit having a base surface tempertaure of 213F (not the final temp, there are adjustments to that). A world in Mar's orbit would have a base temperture of 72.5F.
And it's one more reason world-building makes me crazy! :D But thank you -- I appreciate the idea!
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