OOC - 20 questions meme [Ametatsu - Crucible]

Nov 16, 2009 21:00

01. Full name
Ishida Ametatsu, simply "Ame" to friends. I cant remember where the nickname stemmed from ICly though- I think it was Ammy who started it. The Doctor still calls her "Ametatsu" though.

02. Best friend
Surprisingly enough, she's made a lot of them on the Crucible. Ammy, Riku, Ollie, the Doc, and strained acquaintance/snark buddy in the form of Axel. And of course, Fuuma. We can never forget him.

03. Sexuality
She passes herself off as asexual, but as time passed in the Crucible, she realized that yes, she is attracted to people, both men and women alike. Because ffff have you seen the ladies on the ship? Hot freaking damn.

Everyone thinks she's heterosexual because of her relationship with Fuuma, and she lets them go with that. She's just really attracted to beauty in general. YES, I AM SAYING THAT FUUMA IS PRETTY, STFU.

04. Favorite color
Blue, duh.

05. Relationship status
Taken, with a mix of It's Complicated. Her boyfriend's in another world, and is subject to die at any moment thanks to his destiny as the other "Kamui" and all.

Also, she has a harem.

06. Ideal mate
Someone who can deal with her deadpan snarking, and at the same time keep up with her and all her ideals, lifestyle and... just everything. Also someone who's willing to let her take the reins when it matters, but she's shy when it comes to personal relationships, so preferably this person will make most of the first steps for her, then sit back and watch her take the lead for the rest of the way.

07. Turn-ons
... She likes nice clothes. Nice cloth too. No, seriously. She goes into total dork mode when she feels very nice cloth, like silk and fine cotton and... :D

Also, men. What kind of man? A cool guy, someone who values women, but allows them the space they deserve. Fuuma specifically. During the bodyswap event, she did not look at his unspeakables out of necessity but out of extreme curiosity. A girl has to know what her partner is packing, right? And she liked what she saw. Very, very much. I have no idea if it ever went "lolhai" at her, but... meh. idek. /slaps self.

She also has a thing for music- preferably classical, or the ones from the baroque era. She can geek about it all day and not get tired. Headcanon states that it'll be easier to persuade her into doing something if there's some music involved- background, or plug one ear into an iPod... you get the picture :|b

08. Last sexual experience
Sleeping in Fuuma's room, wearing his clothes during the no barcode thing. No penetration, but I leave you to speculate.

09. Favorite food
Mackarel miso- it's canon.

10. Crushes
Inoue for a minute. Then Yamamoto- she even pined when he was gone >: Then for a short period of time, Lulu, because she was so cool and so sexy *A*. Then Fuuma before the happy music event happened and made her high enough to confess.

11. Favorite music
Classical and baroque, with some old Japanese music. She also likes modern music, as long as they're instrumental, and contain violins, pianos, very nice guitar... yeah, hold the drums, please. For examples, see the X and Silent Hill OSTs. I'm not saying they're what she always listens to, but they're what I can think off the top of my head as the best examples.

12. Biggest fear
That she'll fail. Everyone, everything... And losing them afterwards. Her friends, the people around her, her powers, her Pride, her reputation... and just be a "normal" person forever. She's afraid of what she would have been if she weren't a Quincy, because she doesn't know any kind of lifestyle other than this, and if she were to stray away, she would turn out to be like Ryuuko.

Right now, her state when remembering her is a little unstable at best, so it adds to the fear of failure and "normalcy" even more.

13. Biggest fantasy
Her Pride wont let her admit it, but like all girls that have boyfriends, she wants to see if she can score a homerun with Fuuma. And I wont deny she's been daydreaming about how that would come about, and what would go on. Artists are kinky bastards :|b

14. Quirks in bed
She tops from the bottom. And tops from the top. I mean wat.

Coming from a more serious point of view, she may be a powerhouse to deal with, being a fighter and all. She's also pushy and bitchy, and if she doesn't get what she wants, tough luck, sucker. Speaking of sucking... no. She values the sanctity of her mouth D|

But I guess like all tsunderes there's something that will make her very complaint. Still dunno what because fffffffffffffffffffff she hasn't gotten there yet, and I've been getting serious glares if I even try to write it.

15. Bad habits
Sewing so much she sometimes forgets to eat or sleep. Nagging and bitching and bragging. Getting too absorbed in hunting Hollows that she forgets what time it is. Getting too involved in her work that she has some trouble detaching herself from it.

She's just such a workaholic that she sometimes forgets to even take care of herself. She's too absorbed in making everything perfect, and sometimes her friends have to talk her out of her "trance" and make her do something else. Then she goes and apologizes, then says that she will never to do it again. The day after, she's at it again. Wash, rinse, repeat. She can be a big idiot that way e_e;;

16. Biggest regret
Leaving Crucible on a bad note and not being able to do anything to help, even though she's managed to make one last appearance during Orion and Ganymede's last fight. She promised to stay all the way and fight with everyone else, but she couldn't and that made her both angry and guilty.

17. Best kept secrets
She cares for her mom, and when I rewrote her canon, the muse went "ajfhkjdhfsdjkfhs DDD':" in my head when I wrote that Ryuuko died. So... yeah. She's got a little more heart than the male versions. And she wont be admitting that anytime.

She also had a small crush on canon's Inoue for a brief period in the Soul Society arc (which died out immediately because OMG FIGHT FOR YOUR LIIIIIIFE), and Crucible's Yamamoto because he was so cool, but eh. That's old hat, now that she officially had someone. It's still embarrassing to tell Fuuma though.

18. Last thought
"... Mature woman? Hmph." - after her conversation with Axel.

19. Worst sexual/romantic experience
This. Imagine the awkward it produced.

20. Biggest insecurity
That she'll one day slip up and fail not only her Quincy Pride, but everyone who counts on her to be who she is, to do what she does. She's afraid that if she slips up badly, she'll never be able to get back up again.

verse: crucible_rpg, !meme, character: ametatsu

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