I just felt like using a dating sim comment okay :| [rp entry- open]

Aug 14, 2010 14:16

Characters: “Kamui” and YOU
Location: A mall.
Summary: Someone needs to stop being such a creeper/people-watcher-up-on-rooftops, and apparently being a mallrat for a day can help with that. ... Maybe.

[A certain voice in his head told him to unwind, relax and do things normal people of his age do. He argued that “normal” was a relative concept, and the voice told him to shut his trap and just do it.

Funny, how the conscience of a possibly clinically insane person could sound so much like a stern homeroom teacher.

He’s currently in the music store. You:

> leave him alone;
> bother him with random shit;
> ask him what the hell he’s doing in a music store when he’s not musically inclined;
> grab him and drag him off somewhere else;]

!rp entry, character: fuuma- x

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