Today's Purchases

Sep 24, 2010 02:23

So the lovely Katie took us shopping today at Woodbridge Mall and I got $100 worth of stuff. My bro and a friend of mine document their purchases on their tumblr and I thought it would be cool to do the same, even though I know they do this to help curb their shopping addiction. I'll do it anyway.

Today's Purchases

male printed scarf - $7.95
Belt -$17.95
black beret-$7.95
white beret-$7.95
gray beret-$5.95

sequined casual vest - $24.80

knit cardigan striped gray/cream - $22.90

almond milk-$2.98
string cheese-$4.18

The Shop Rite purchases were an added bonus and a reminder to stop buying food and leave the food buying to my parents or take things from the dining hall which I do quite frequently.
I was soooooo angry the theme at the F21 at Woodbrige was all about lace, leather, and sequins. Those three things are my favorite especially when they are combined! I wish we didn't go to H&M first otherwise I wouldn't have blown my cash flow mainly on that store. At least I purchased a sequined vest so I'm kind of happy. Next time my wallet is full, Katie's going to take me thrifting. If I have money left, we shall go to Forever. It's kinda funny though, I hated that store because everyone in my high school shopped there, but I just can't ever pass up the opportunity to buy lace, leather and sequins. I think my next purchase should be boots, stockings/leggings and skirts.

Katie bought these hipster like sweatsuit/PJs and they look so awesome on her. It's funny because she's not a hipster at all. Her personality doesn't scream " Hi I'm Hip!" but the majority of her closet is hipster like. I can't wait til Kay's birthday then we will get to go out and celebrate yay!!!!!.

purchase, fashion, shopping, sequins

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