
Nov 18, 2014 06:50

Winter is offically here. There is snow on my car to deal with in the morning and last night it was only 9 degrees. That is way too cold for the middle of November.
I have been baking as a way to ignore the cold (added bonus: extra heat in the house). I made snickerdoodle cookies and honey bread on Sunday. I was going to make chocolate chip cookies last night but we still had a lot of snickerdoodles left. A is taking most of them to work with him today so I will make something tonight.

We went to a creperie (I am really not sure that is spelled right) when we were on vacation. All they served was coffee and crepes. They had both savory and sweet but we were there for dessert and only ate the sweet ones. I really regret not going back another day and trying something savory.
This was only the second time I had the pleasure of eating a crepe. They had a crepe station in the dining hall of my college but I only remember them actually serving crepes once. Now that I remember how amazing they are I am obsessed. I'm thinking about cooking down some apples so I can make apple cinnamon crepes to serve after Thanksgiving dinner. I am also trying to figure out how they made the lemon cream in the crepe we ate at the store. I LOVE anything lemon so that one was my favorite. An online search gave me several recipies for lemon cream cheese filling but that doesn't seem right to me. I'm sure it would be delicious but it is not what I am looking for.

We split the cooking and buying responsibilities for Thanksgiving. I already had a turkey so we are contributing that. I am required to make a cheesecake for every holiday meal so that is on my list as well. But I volunteered to make the rolls this year. Usually we just buy some frozen ones but since I have been making my own bread products for the last several month I decided it was time to try making dinner rolls. I have mastered bagels, biscuits and bread but I have not yet attempted any kind of roll. I found recipies for a standard dinner roll and for sweet potato bread knots. I am going to make them both. And, as mentioned above, I am thinking about serving some crepes too.

homemade is always best, cooking and eating, holiday happenings, food and fun, fresh is best, the family

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