What the hell am I still doing up? Its almost ten am and I woke up at 730 to take Chris to work. I dont even know what was going on in my life when I last had a major update, but life is pretty good I guess.
Mollys is Bethelwoods for summer, like usual. Its a Sunday morning and all I can think about is how much I had to drink last night. Its Katie Hunters last official weekend in Charleston so we went to Seels last night to celebrate a bit. I dont wanna talk about the fizzled parties that were supposed to be last night, no sir.
My 22nd birthday was 1 week ago, and let me just say that there is nt a damn thing special about turning 22. Not at all. Just drinking, which youve probably been doing for a few years anyway.
College- I hope to go back to Cofc this upcoming semester. Im supposed to be saving $ this summer to pay for a semester, but I said "supposed to be" for a reason.
Work- Im still at Kaleidoscope, but Im not sure for how much longer. Im also a personal assistant to Karen Roberts, which is short for "Im someone's bitch." Also still babysitting for the Dolloffs. Erica just turned 9!!! and Justin is.... 11? Maybe. Wow.
Chris- Chris and I talked in December about why exactly we werent dating, and we went out for some sushi as on Jan 2nd as "my gift to him for christmas" lol. Clearly thats just what we called it. I love him and didnt really need to be talked into dating him or anything. Its just a better time now, and its been 6 months and change :). Things are pretty good, and he keeps coming up with ways to make me smile. Couple-ish enough for ya?
I dont really know what else... hmmmm. Im looking around my kind of clean apartment, and thinking thats how I will spend my Sunday afternoon. I think I might end up at the beach around noon though, and just lay out until Chris gets off. I mean, that just seems like perfection, although I dont think Ill go in the water since there have been a few deaths/drownings/rescues on Sullivans lately.
So... picking up a bit, then probably taking a quick shower (even though Im heading to the beach) and on my way at noon? I think so. Probably should hit the bank first and put this check from my mom for my birthday in so I dont overdraft. Oh, I love being poor. Rents not paid yet this month... and its the 12th. Le sigh.
Please... watch this. Im in love with these guys.
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Anyway, Ill try to update more often. I just finished reading The River, a short story by Flannery O'Connor. Why does she always depress me? Shes just so good at taking these odd little scenes and breathing life into them, fleshing out the weird and strange portions of human nature, and I always find the twist at the end to be a little unexpected.
A+ Ms O'Connor. Nothing says 'amazing' like a man stealing artificial limbs, or a grandmother on a raod trip, or a little backwoods blind faith in Jesus.