Title: The Anual Christmas Play
bluemoondreamerFandom: Original
Disclaimer: All mine.
Rating: PG
Summary: Daniel really wants to be the drummer in the Christmas play.
Written for Day 7 at
adventchallenge. Prompt #7 Drummer.
Every year Daniel’s elementary school put on a Christmas play. The students of each different year were responsible for certain things. The first graders dressed up as animals surrounding the manger. The second graders were presents under the Christmas tree. The third graders were the carol singers and the fourth graders got to play instruments while the fifth graders were in charge of decorating the stage.
This year Daniel was a special fourth grader and he had been practicing for the most coveted of instrument, the drum.
All summer long, between third and fourth grade, the only thing that Daniel could think about was that next Christmas, if he wanted to be the drummer boy, he had to be the best drummer ever. And that meant practicing.
Thankfully, his mother was a very kind lady and near the end of that summer she rented an old snare drum from the music store downtown.
Daniel practiced and practiced and practiced.
For the rest of the summer he practiced before breakfast, all afternoon and most days after dinner as well. And once school started, Daniel’s mother had to pry his fingers off of the drumsticks to get him to go to school.
As Christmas approached, Daniel’s teacher announced that try outs were going to be held soon . The spot of the little drummer boy was going to be his. Daniel knew it.
On the day of try outs there were only two children in the music room who were auditioning to play the drums. Daniel was one, of course, and the other was a girl by the name of Jessica.
“You can’t be here, Jessica. This try out is for the ‘Little Drummer Boy’, not girl.” Daniel knew he was probably being mean, but he really wanted to play the drums that year. As fourth graders, his class only had one shot at playing instruments after all, and he didn’t want to get stuck playing something lame like the triangle.
“It doesn’t have to be a drummer boy, girls are good drummers too!” Jessica was angry at Daniel for thinking that she was stupid or something.
At this point, the music teacher came into the room and quieted the kids down. “Alright you too, calm down. Jessica is correct Daniel. We don’t have to specifically have a boy to play the drummer boy. The part will go to whom ever is best.“ The teacher moved each of the students separate areas of the room. There was a single snare drum set out in the middle of the room where Daniel and Jessica were going to take turns showing their teacher how much they‘d practiced. “Now, I am going to have the two of you take turns playing for me and then I’ll decide who is going to play in the Christmas show.”
As the children took turns banging on the drum, the teacher realized that the two students were equally skilled at playing. “Did you two both practice at home over the summer? You are both quite excellent.” said their teacher.
“Yep. I borrowed my older brother’s drums and played all summer long.” said Jessica.
“Well, my mom got me a drum from the music store and I’ve been playing all summer too!” Daniel boasted.
The teacher sat back in her chair and looked at the kids seriously and in that minute, she made a decision. It would be different from how the school had always done things, but it was too hard to make a decision this time. Both of her students were equally matched. Therefore, she decided that there were going to be two ‘Little Drummer Children’ in the Christmas play this year.