Permissions/Stats Meme

Jan 02, 2007 22:42

Age: 19
Height: Not stated in canon. Uh, whatever would be considered average for a nineteen-year-old boy.
Weight: See above.
Medical Info: Absolutely noting out of the ordinary.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: White
Physical traits: ?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: The only thing that's really and truly off limits is the whole "reincarnation of Dracula" thing.
Abilities: Soma has the Power of Dominance, which means he has the ability to top you all absord the souls of monsters he defeats and then be able to use their special powers. This list will do until I make one of my own. As many as there are, you'll probably only ever see him use the few I have icons for.
Notes for the Psychics: Probably will not see anything too unusual in his thoughts with just a quick surface scan; he's a pretty normal kid in that regard. Anything that would go beyond a quick surface scan, please ask first. Characters that are spiritually sensitive/can sense people's auras/"similar ability goes here" would be able to sense that Soma has an unusually dark aura.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask first, though I don't think it's too likely I'll say no.
Maim/Murder/Death: Unless there are special circumstances, I'd prefer Soma not die. Ask beforehand for permission to maim.
Cooking: If it involves a microwave, cooking skills = A; otherwise cooking skills = C.

If you have any questions about anything here (or not here), please ask!
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