Rantings of a health nut

Feb 12, 2007 09:25

Like clock work every Monday and Wednesday morning while I am sitting here in the cafe at RIC, there is this one guy who comes in and orders two slices of pizza. Now normally this would not bother me, if it was let's see, not 9:30 in the morning. The sight of him just sitting there sucking down two huge, greasy, slices of pepperoni pie makes me want to gag. How can people not care enough about their bodies to know better? I mean pizza for breakfast? Once in a while we're all guilty of it, but come on now, enough is enough. The thing that gets me is that he is a bean pole,. not an ounce of fat on there. What gives? If I did that they'd have to break down a wall to get me out of the room. My gym sesssions would have to last for like five straight hours to counter act all the calories going straight to my hps. Oh well, when one day he's too large to leave his house, he will look back on those early morning pizza binges and cringe.

Have a good day :)
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