Is This What It Feels Like?

Dec 17, 2010 07:56

The buses are snowed in. The taxi firms are sending all their drivers home. I work eight miles away over a mountain, so I'm certainly not walking. Shit, is this what it feels like to be snowed in?

I'd say we have over four inches now. There was barely a half an inch when Mark left for work three hours ago. And it's still CHUCKING it down. I've said I'll try and find out when they're starting up the buses again, but I'm not hopeful. Walking back up from the bus stop, I watch a guy trying to drive up to my street. It isn't a steep hill, but he was sliding back down every time he tried.

In funnier news, this is Dai the Cat's first snow. He's being very cute!

Dai in the snow. Very curious. He's come back in now, and assures me it's slowed up a lot.

This was at half six this morning. It's now 8, and everything has lost its features.
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