Title: Not Forgotten
Author: bluemonkiesx
Pairing: none. Seungri centric.
Genre: idk.
Length: short drabble
Theme: #13 Forgotten
Author's Note: 2/30. NYAH. Still not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I fail. I miss being able to chew food. I wanted my torta D:
He has not forgotten, and he doesn't plan on forgetting anytime soon. )
...Mine are alright, I guess. They are stricter than most round here, but I'm used to it. I'm fairly conservative as a teenager (okay, I'm totally rubbish as a teenager). It's actually totally hilarious, because I'm all laid back, and my younger brother is so unbelievably teenage and my parents look like they've been hit by trucks sometimes. Then they get mad, and I leave. Fast.
...I suppose, but... I FEEL DEPRIVED. Still, they go to the States, right? And that's a lot closer than Korea... It would be worth being broke for all eternity. (I think I may be deluding myself, but I'm having fun. Hey! I should just go all out and steal Bae! That'd make life a lot simpler!)
I AM GETTING PANDA EYES - and I know what you mean, wtf? Who cam up with that? It sucks. And it gets worse. I have dimples. *headdesk**headdesk**headdesk*
Save me.
well, not that many come to the states? and if they, they're usually in New York or something WHICH IS ACROSS THE COUNTRY and only like, a 5 day drive or a $500+ one plane ticket. (I know this from experience. my sister is in NY.)
gah, panda eyes DD: they do not look good on ANYONE except Seungri~ I'm jealous of that boy, ngl.
To be honest, it might actually be cheaper to go to Korea... That is a slightly scary, yet incredibly cheery thought. I will get there. Watch me. (Whoa, yowch.)
I know, mine are now receding a bit, thank God. Only a bit, but that's better than nothing, right? And ugh, I KNOW. I am jealous in a totally loving way. *-*
eh, I think I would just kneel over and play dead. LOLOLOLOL, I fail.
GO THERE, and I will meet you there. AND THEN WE CAN STEAL YOUNGBAE AND SEUNGRI TOGETHER. BWHAHAHAHA. and I might possibly have to go and steal 2PM, and just bring them back to the States with me, so then 2PM can = 7 again! (and again)
lucky, at least yours recede .____.
*snorts* I wouldn't be playing I would be dead. Is okay - we fail together. Or win. Depends how you look at it. At least we wouldn't have to the exams.
I HAS BETTER PLAN. You steal Jay and bring him with you, and then when we steal the other six they will be together much quicker, y/y? 2PM will = 7 again (and agian) because otherwise the world will implode and the Universe will end. Simple. AND THEN WE WILL STEAL YOUNGBAE AND SEUNGRI AND BE VEEEERY HAPPY AND VEEEEERY HYPER. Is good.
Nyeh - it is a slow process. And to be honest - I am more upset about the dimples. But hey, go look at picspam of YB - is much cheering y/y?
hmmm, true. I'm probably lying when I said "playing" dead. I'd be dead, I'll admit it. LOL. anddd, I say we win. Because we fail too much, and so we need some winning now. LOLOLOL.
OMG, DEAL. I STEAL JAY AND THEN MEET YOU IN KOREA. we steal the other 6 and then BAM, 7 again (and again)~ and then there shall be world kpop peace. AND THEN WE MOVE IN ON YOUNGBAE AND SEUNGRI. and maybe Jiyong, depending on which hair style he has.
nyah! I love dimples. since I have gotten my braces, I've gotten dimples (i do not know how that happened, don't ask me) and I am going to be sad when I get them off since then my dimples will go away.
I think we can just agree that we would die and that exams are cruel cruel things and that we win because WE ARE DECEMBER BABIES AND WE ARE EPIC.
YAY YAY YAY DEAL I WILL MEET YOU THERE AND YOU WILL BRING JAY AND THE WORLD WILL BE RIGHT AGAIN (AND AGAIN). 7 will = 1 again (and again) AND THEN WE WILL HAVE YOUNGBAE AND SEUNGRI and possible Jiyoung and I may have to steal TOP because I am hopeless and I cannot help myself
o.O Braces gave you dimples?? How odd. I got my braces off a few years ago. I DO NOT WANT DIMPLES. I have nothing dimples, I just don't want them, because everytime my mum sees them she just reverts to how she was when I was two. IT DRIVES ME MAD.
Yes, I do believe that we can agree on that. ROFLROFL.
MKAI. NOW THE ONLY QUESTION IS: WHEN. LOLOLOLOL. I swear, every time I type out the word "again" (and again) now, I do that. the whole (and again) thing. LOLOLOL. OH, 2PM. Look what you've done to me.
GAH, then we should really take Daesungie too, because he IS adorable and his singing is quite amazing and we can't just leave him alone. poor Sungie.
Yes they did, O.o I have no idea how, but they did. I'M GETTING THEM OFF SOON. Oh, I cannot wait for all that food I will be able to eat normally again (and again). FIRST ON MY LIST: DRIED MANGOES. ngl.
IS YB SICK?! in their latest Japan performance, he didn't sing at all DDD:
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