Title: Sweet Dreams (blegh, first title I thought of.)
Author: bluemonkiesx
Pairing: GRI.
Genre: fluff, BWHAHAHA.
Length: drabble.
THEME: #10 Dreamland.
Author's Note: 1/30 for my 30 Big Bang fics challenge~ and neh. I should probably be finishing Love Songs, or working on those last three requests (one, really. but two semi request things). BUT NOOOO. I am linda, and I choose to not finish everything and start something new. I give you gri.
“Maknae~” you sing out as you slip into your apartment late at night, “Maknae, hyung is home.”
You take off your shoes, and neatly place them by the door as you wait for a response. All is silent, and if you didn’t place your shoes right by his or if all the lights weren’t on, you would think nobody was there. But as it is, you know for a fact that he’s there, and you purse your lips in confusion as to why he hasn’t at least acknowledged your presence.
You walk into the living room room, expecting to see him with his headphones on, or something, and see no one. You turn off the light in that room, and then go to check the bathroom. Maybe he just got out of the shower? But no, the door is wide open and the light is off.
Maybe he’s asleep in his bed, maybe he was tired and he fell asleep while watching one of his odd Japanese variety shows. You quietly creep towards his room, and from the light in the hallway you can see his empty bed. You cock your head in confusion. Where the hell was he?
You slowly walk to your room, fully intending to go to sleep and just be mad at him in the morning for disappearing. But you walking into your room and you’re confused once again because the light is on, and you know you didn’t leave it on when you left, and you hadn’t turned it on since you got home.
“Hyung, no.”
You spin around and face your bed at the sudden, soft spoken words. And there, lying on your bed with eyes closed and a book on his chest, is Lee Seungri.
“Hyung, I said no,” he groans as he rolls over, facing the wall.
A smile spreads across your face. You carefully reach over him and pick up the book. Winning Habits, you flip to the where he was and you try to hold back your laughter. It’s the same page he’s always on. You shake your head as you place the book on your desk, and then turn off the light.
You climb onto the bed, and gently reach over and pull him closer to you. You rest your chin on top of his head, and you listen to his steady breathing. He latches himself onto your arm and holds it close to his chest.
“Hyung, please. No,” he whimpers, and you hold him tighter.
“No what, maknae?” you whisper, even though you know he won’t answer.
“Don’t go away, I love you,” he mumbles, gripping at your arm tightly.
And then it’s quite for a minute as you listen to him breath. His grip on your arm never loosens. You smile finally, kissing his head softly. He was so precious when he was far off in dreamland.
A/N: no lie, talking in your sleep is a very bad thing. you say stuff you usually don't want other people to hear D: