Risa left yesterday. The buildings seem taller and sadder, and I feel intensley lonely without her in the same city. Friday I come home, finally. The last week I have been at wit's end, so busy with finishing everything, performing, and trying to get in time with Risa before she left. Sometimes I feel like a zombie, just barely aware of my surroundings to engage but subject slow behavior and irrational anger.. and hunger for flesh haha.
This weekend I stayed with Risa at her granpas on east 31st. Can we just talk about how relaxing it is to be there, away from the wanton filth and everlasting noise spewing from the other room. The apartment has a beautiful view of downtown, as well as plenty of things to watch and spy on in the true New York voyeur sense. It was beautiful there, as was the sleep I got, completely quiet and uniterupted, something that I took for complete fucking granted in the summer. I am going to enjoy every second of the time in Seattle.
About a week and a half before I come to Seattle I always feel like suddenly everything has meaning and theres this translucent path that I am on that puts things into perspective and makes sense. I can look back with accomplishment and pride at what I achieved this semester, in a way that my constantly self criticizing self would not allow in the middle of the semester. It's a good feeling.
I can feel the songs and music painting the memories and becoming tangible in thier context and in thier inherant beauty. It's like I'm seeing the big picture again basiclly.
This break I think will be productive. I have 3 gigs already: 1 at zokas, 2 at the maple leaf grill.
This should keep me busy with my guitar chops and as well I am getting the action lowered on my home bass so it will be playable in comparison to the one I am leaving here. Good news.
With that I think I will leave, as I gotta dressed and ready for school and a final I have today.
I'll leave with a picture I took:
Isn't Lincoln Center gorgeous in the winter?