star wars 3 is coming. i want to see it but i need to watch part 2 first ^^; i found this funny movie on albinoblacksheep: standing in line for starwars 3. i watched it a dozen times already XD friday the 13th.................this day really sucks >_<
#1: i hardly learned for business because i have trouble concentrating and i had to get up at 6 >_<
#2: i like listening to music in the bus/train because it sooths my mind, yesterday evening i made a new cd with these cool songs so i could listen to it in the bus and the bus i found out i had the wrong cd in my discman >_< so that spoiled my mood
#3: i sat in the thing on the trainstation, reading business while waiting for my train. i sat with my back towards the side where my train would arrive. i heard a train coming. i looked forward and saw the other train ( the one i didn't need) arriving. i looked back and i saw no sigh of my train. then i heard the other train leave and looked back again finding out that somehow my train arrived unnoticed and left witheout me
#4: wich caused me arriving to late at school
#5: screwing up the test
#6: on my way home, me and sander wanted to take the train but we found out that for the next few hours, no train would be leaving because some idiot parked his car on the rails and thus an accident happened.....
and now i'm home...
what more to tell??...i have no idea...i want to upload another japanese music video but i don't know wich one ( i want to do one from miyavi but i cannot decide wich one ^^; )
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