harry potter and the half-blood prince

Jul 27, 2005 03:11

Finally, my opinion on the book.
Kept in an LJ-cut for spoilers about. You have been warned.

After finishing the last page of the book, I sort of felt hollow. The entire conclusion of the book left me in a state of disbelief that led me to almost gloss over the conclusion. I thought to myself, "J.K. Rowling is a BITCH!" Fortunately, after the shock passed over, I actually liked the book. I thought it to be a little stronger than Chamber of Secrets, but is far from the best Harry Potter book out. Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favorite with Order of the Phoenix as a very close second.

I did enjoy that a few predictions of mine were shown the book.

For one, Slughorn is a Slytherin is isn't a complete asshole. For that reason, I really did like him as a character. Flawed and insecure enough to only want to be around famous or "up-and-coming" students, however still pretty cunning and charismatic as a teacher giving credit where it is due. I do think that in the entire book series, Slytherin has been played down to only contain the complete assholes of the school by only really showing the Death Eater's kids and their conversations. Being that the house prefers students who are ambitious, inventive and cunning, wouldn't that mean Slytherin would possibly exemplify the hacker nature? Just a thought.

Snape is a double-triple-quad-octo-whatever agent for both the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. His character is intriguing if only for that. Regardless of where his loyalties lie, Harry is NEVER going to forgive Snape for the death of Dumbledore. Whether Dumbledore sacrificed himself intentionally or was fooled by blind trust remains to be seen, though I'm betting on the former. One thing's for certain, Snape shot first.

That scene when Dumbledore is forced by Harry to drink down the liquid from the location of the supposed Horcrux was really slightly painful to read through. I really felt sorry for Harry who was going through it and saw Dumbledore's suffering as being worst than his demise by Snape later on.

I had a few gripes about the book all the same:

  • Lack of Sirius
    Yes, I know, he's supposed to be dead. But with the conclusion given in the Order of the Phoenix, there were grandiose hints at the possibilities of Sirius's afterlife. It's not so much that he, as a character, wasn't included, there was just a complete lack of speculation on the part of the characters in the book, and even by Harry himself in contrast with Order of the Phoenix.

  • Harry & Ginny
    I can just see Rowling and the writers from Spider-man having a pleasant cup of tea and pastries on a nice Sunday afternoon whilst contemplating how the book should end.

  • "I am the Half-Blood Prince!"
    Jesus Christ. Would a little subtlety kill someone?

  • Tonks and Lupin
    Way too sudden. I would have had nothing against it if the only clue wasn't a change in Patronus and that, y'know, Lupin actually had major relevance to most of the novel. Tonks certainly had much more of an impact in the novel but was mostly noted for her angsty appearance.

Minor things mostly. Pretty good overall, though weak in comparison to the previous ones. I think this was more of a book to tie up loose ends before the conclusion. With Rowling's promise of all the backstory being revealed in the final book, I'll be anticipating it as it comes. In the very least, I'm very certain R.A.B. is Regulus Black and the story will have much to do with the newly-inherited 12 Grimmauld Place, another place left to neglect in this book. However it goes, it should be another 2 years or so until we see such a book come out.


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