Aug 25, 2008 08:17
Many of you know that my Granddad (my Mom's Dad) passed away three weeks ago and that my Grandma (my Dad's Mom) passed away last week. This has meant a lot of unexpected flying on my part as I return to Oregon for funerals and family visits. The funeral part--especially for my Grandma, with whom I was very close--was hard, but it's been good getting to see family.
I did not view my Granddad during his funeral, but my sister wanted to view Grandma and so in support of her we went in together to view the body. Of course there were tears, but seeing the body was somehow therapeutic. We both felt an easing of grief; seeing her body--she lay there as if asleep--somehow let us feel the beginnings of acceptance where before had been only sadness.
The funeral was Friday and since then my Dad and I have been enjoying each other's company. We've watched movies on DVD, gone out to eat, and even took a trip to the casino where on the first slot machine I won almost thirty bucks. Today my dad is back at work and I'm roaming Salem until noon-ish when I go to meet my my old voice teacher and mentor (and his wife) for lunch. If everything goes according to plan (i.e. my Dad doesn't need me until the end of his workday) then I'll kill some time this morning, a little more after lunch and pick up Dad at 3:30 for the drive home.
My immediate plans involve sitting here in my coffee shop, listening to jazz and the gossiping voices of several retirees (the "regulars", I'm sure), hoping my battery doesn't die before I have a chance to surf and chat. Thank goodness for free wi-fi; dad's dial-up was killing me!
I come home tomorrow evening and look forward to seeing my boys again. I will cover them with kisses and snuggle into the crooks of necks. I'll be bringing home lots of ancient family photos (yes, Kita, I have plans to get copies to you) and the lingering sadness of loss.