and doing really well. i'm a pretty happy girl, i think.
i just stopped in the middle of a row on kirby's christmas scarf (that no, i haven't finished yet) and in the middle of an episode of weeds (yay netflix streaming -- but seriously, could this show be any more difficult to watch sometimes?) to seriously consider taking the final step in revitalizing my virtual life.
recently, i've been obsessed with blogging. finally beefing up my google reader and actually using it. stalking friends and not really friends online. not to mention, building a blog for work ( and spending hours obsessing over rss feeds (hello feedburner!) and perfecting template layouts (kind of regretting going with blogger, but dear lord i'm proud of all the manual labor that went into that!).
so i just got this close to that last step. i started importing all of these amazing (seven years worth!) livejournal entries into wordpress. and two seconds into the game it found an error.
in any case, i think i'll try again later. maybe i'll even drag it onto that old domain i still own, with the username no one else will ever have. maybe i'll go a little crazy and grab my own name.
i think i have a lot to say again. crazy, but true. vacation was good, but i'm ready for a little shake up and a little bit more of me out there. maybe it will still be my own cryptic noodlings, or maybe it will be more than that. i'm not sure, but i think i'm ready. there's a lot to read, a lot to do, and a lot to keep sharing.
for now,
life is good in all the right places. kirby is amazing. i kissed him away for another life/work weekend away this morning, but am already counting the days until i know he'll be close again. in true winter fashion, we finally finished the sixth season of the west wing last night. here's to season seven and finally watching the wire. and spring, and planting, and riding our bikes. and a little trip to mexico this summer! the bad news is that he'll be dropping off the face of the earth again soon (a la my last few angsty entries), but after re-reading those i think i'll be ready to brave it with a better energy this time. here's hoping.
i still have my job, and i really like my job. i love the people i work with. long days, silly parties, and spanking contests included. (what?)
weirdly, i've also recently become attached to several freelance projects. all pretty close to home, all time consuming but happily inspirational. i love using those coding muscles i haven't used in far too long. it feels good, and feels like i have so, so much to learn.
finally, i'm working on a few extra goals this year. am getting a slow start, but i'm trying my best to read a play a week. sounds lame and easy, i know, but it's something i need to start making time for. not just reading plays for work anymore, but pulling out the old anthologies and going to the library and the used bookstore and reading old stuff again and new stuff that just might be good. or not good. yet another reason for me to write.
and thus, that is what floats around the upper part of my brain tonight. am thinking it's either back to weeds or watchmen. reading my first graphic novel is kind of amusing. a format i'm entirely unfamiliar with, but it's just another adventure.
will be sure to give notice to any lingering/alive eyes out there if i do decide to move. for now, i'll wait for the wind outside to turn to rain.
ps - why did jason mraz ever sign a record contract? god damn his old stuff is good.