The Blogity, blogity blog affair

Aug 01, 2009 15:54


The Serenaar and Assorted Meanies with assorted drinkies and snacks movie watching sleepover has now started! If anyone would like to join us, you will need:
- Some Like it Hot
- Robin Hood ( the errol flynn version)
- The Magnificent Seven
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show

- Blossum Hill ( red- chilled)- from San Fransico
- Jacobs Creek ( white)
- Chardonney
- Diet Coke
- Coffee
- Tea ( with sugar)

- All butter cheese twists
- Sweet chilli crisps
- Walkers Bacon and chedder crisps
- Butter popcorn ( 4 bags)

- Local Domino's pizza number on standby


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