So nice getting up at 12 o'clock and not having class until 1! First class of the day was China and Japan Since 1800. The professor is so cool. He's originally from Hong Kong so he has this thick accent and when he'd talk he'd make a joke but we wouldn't be able to understand and he'd go "ok, not funny, sorry." And aww! And the best part is we need NO books for that class. He has it all online, which technically, is illegal. But he said if he gets caught his excuse is "I am originally from Hong Kong so I have no concept of piracy." Haha he's so cool.
Then I went straight over to Library Resources and Methods. God that class is gonna be boring as hell. A whole semester learning how to use the library and learning ways to research. I could poke my eyes out, honestly. But it's the .5 credits I need, and it's not too difficult, and it's only once a week right? So yeah that's the deal with that.
So here's my new thing, everyday I get back from classes I am going to sit down and do some homework before I get on the computer. That way I don't get into that rushed, scrambled mindset of before. This a good idea, right? We'll see how long this resolve lasts... I mean no, it will last. Whoo me.
The OC is tonight! I hope fucking Lindsay dies/goes comatose/befalls some horrible tragedy. I hate on her.
Oh and from
lightningspark Lol.
And rather amusing:
What's the time/date now? : January 20, 2005, 5:35 PM
(1) The singular most boring question: What's your name? : Charlotte
(2) Are you happy with it? : Uh no.
(3) Are you named after anyone? : Both great grandmas were named charlotte
(4) Your full name and any nicknames: Charlotte Ume Riggert. Charloot, Char, Chauncy, Chankora
(5) Your screen name: ScholarDavid/Blumalick
(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? : Nah uh
(7) Then what would you name your children? : Something simple
(8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? : Maybe like William I think... great grandparents and all that
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that, be? : I don't know, all my friend's names have a personality attached to them so it wouldn't work.
(10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name? : Gah. Charlet Charolotte, Charlette, Charolet, you get the picture...
(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? : Yes
Smoke? : Yeah
Do drugs? : Sometimes
Read the newspaper? : No
Pray? : Nope
Go to church? : Nopers
Talk to strangers who IM you? : Yes
Sleep with stuffed animals? : Teddy!
Take walks in the rain? : When I must
Talk to people even though you hate them? : Yeah
Drive? : Yes, and I would, if I had un carro
Been out of the country? : Yes
Eaten something that made other people sick? : Yeah raw fish, raw egg and rice, nice big fish eggs...
Had sex? : Yeah
Been unfaithful? : Yes
Been in love? : I suppose, yes
Done drugs? : Someone has a fetish, and it's not me.
Gone skinny dipping? : When you have a pool it's kind of a given
Had a medical emergency? : Umm yeah I guess... I broke my arm when I was 5...
Ran away from home? : Oh I tried.
Played strip poker? : Nope, I haven't even played poker.
Gotten beaten up? : Uhh I got a staple gun thrown at my head
Beaten someone up? : Sister count?
Been picked on? : Yes, most of my life.
Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath can get others intoxicated? : Uhhh no?
Gone one day without food? : Yeah, it's bad.
Talked on the phone all night? : Yes
Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? : Yeah
Slept all day? : Oh yeah, a hobby of mine
Made out with a stranger? : I knew his name...
Had sex with a stranger? : No
Thought you're going crazy? : Not seriously
Kissed the same sex? : Yeah, a few
Done anything sexual with the same sex? : Mmhm
Been betrayed? : Yeah
Broken the law? : Yep
Met a famous person? : Nah uh
Had sex? : You asked this dude.
Threesome? : Um yeah... no.
Blindfolded? : Mmm Goran... wait what?
Tied someone up/been tied up? : ::is scared now::
Used candle wax? : Livin' la vida loca baby.
Watched porn? : Haha yeah
With another person? : Yeah, lots of people. We watch porn in groups. With my mom.
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? : Yeah
Stolen anything? : Yes
Been on radio/TV? : Ummmm been on the news I think fo somethin'
Been in a mosh-pit? : Ugh on accident
Had a nervous breakdown? : Ummm maybe
Been criticized about your sexual performance? : Yes and it's so not *my* fault
Had a dream that kept coming back? : Um had dreams that had the same person in them every night.
Believe in life on other planets? : Ok come on, it's a little conceited to think we're the only living creatures in the entire universe.
Miracles? : Coincidences
Astrology? : Kinda
Magic? : Yeah
God? : No man
Satan? : No
Santa? : Uh no
Ghosts? : Yeah
Luck? : Mmm maybe
Love at first sight? : S'all about lust
Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)? : Yep
Easter bunny? : No, giant rabbit... that's just creepy
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? : I hope so
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? : Come on, rainbows are just like... effects of reflections or prisms or something. I should have listened more in science. But no.
Do you wish on stars? : Nah
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? : I don't believe in them at all
Do you think God has a gender? : ...
Do you believe in organized religion? : If it makes you happy go ahead
Where do you think we go when we die? : No where, we're just simply dead
Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? : Yeah
If you did experience that for one day, what would you do? : Freak girls out by being so intuitive
What do you love most about the opposite sex? : The way one look or word can make your day
What do you dislike most? : The way one look or word can ruin your day
What do you understand least? : About guys? How they can be so inconsiderate and not even know it
Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex? : Hair and facial structure I guess
Smiled? : When I told Tam that yes we were watching OC tonight... so five minutes ago
Laughed? : On the phone with mom... ten minutes ago
Cried? : The day before I got back to Mills, so the 13th? Mark did it. And it was cry in a bad way too.
Bought something? : Lunch today at the teashop: tuna sandwich and some v8 juice
Danced? : A few days ago maybe?
Were sarcastic? : Probably on the phone with mom?
Talked to an ex? : Today when I got back from class
Talked on the phone? : 10 minutes ago dude
Listened to the radio? : Right now
Watched TV? : Yesterday, One Life to Live
Had a serious conversation? : Yesterday probably
Smoked weed? : Sunday I think
Got drunk? : The 13th
A LAST TIME for everything_
Last movie you saw: Closer, in theatres. A Home at th End of the World on DVD
Last song you heard: Clocks, Coldplay
Last thing you had to drink: Water
Last time you showered: Yesterday morning
Last thing you ate: Some rice with beef stew mix thing
What are you worried about right now?: That the TV room will be taken and I won't be able to watch the OC
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: Full, entertained, excited, drowsy, thoughtful
Are you bored? : Not really
Are you tired? : Kinda
Are you talking to anyone online? : No
Are you lonely or content? : Contant
Are you listening to music? : Yes
Do you laugh when you hear the number 69? : Uhh no but I GMU
Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? : No
Do you actually know your social security number? : Yes
Do you actually know your IP address? : No
Do you know what an IP address is? : Yes
Do you know the four-character extension on your zip-code? : No... do I need to?
What do you think of pi? : Fuckin' pi.
Have you got a fav number? : 12
How many rings before you take the phone? : Til I get to it
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? : More or less
How many CD's do you have? : 50 or so
Mac or PC? : PC
Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversations? : Um sometimes, you can multitask better on IM
Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or telephone? : Sometimes
Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? : I don't ebay
How much time do you spend online each week? : ::does some quick math:: I'd guess somewhere around 6o hours.
Is the internet one of the modern things you could never live without? : Yes
Do you even receive snail-mail letters anymore? : Uh sometimes randomly
Send any? : When I reply to the few I get
If you could meet anyone in the world, living or not, who would it be? : Dude I don't know that's a lot of people to pick from, maybe someone like Julius Caesar, or Alexander, someone cool like that
What band has the funniest name? : What's that "1985" band? Bowling for Soup? Something?
What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to?: Like obsessively love? Corky Ramano
Do you agree with that sequels are always worse than the original? : Usually
What kind of movie do you think there should be more of? : Epic tales
What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of? : Ummm I don't know can't think of one right now
Do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching? : Yep
What is/are the worst song(s) you've ever heard? : Oh, um, that JC Chasez song? Some girls dance with other girls or some shit like that...
What kind of music has the tendencies to get stuck on your brain? : The beats from hiphop or annoying like pop-punk anthems
What song do you think describes your personality best? : Good News, Something Corporate
If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he/she used? : Nothing, I think that's rather corn ball and typical
Do you play an instrument? : No.
CD in your CD-player: Oh crap right now actually... nothing. I just took out Jimmy Eat World, Futures though
What have you been listening to lately? : The radio. I like the popular hip hop songs but am too cheap to go buy cds.
How easy is it to make you laugh? : I laugh at everything
What person you know makes you laugh most? : Stormie man, all the time. Or my mom hah.
Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't? : Yes
Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't? : Sometimes
Are you sarcastic? : Just a bit... ok that was a lie.
What's the funniest place you've ever been? : Funniest?? Errrr... I have no idea
Who's your fav talented white rapper? : Eminem yo!
Do you see the humor of the previous question? : Course I do
Freeze to death or burn alive? : Freeze, I couldn't stand burning. At least after you're rather frozen you don't feel anything anymore.
Chocolate or vanilla? : Vanilla
Storms - cool or scary? : Pretty nifty
Night or day? : Night
N Sync or Backstreet Boys? : BSB! w00t Denise represent
Dumper or dumpee? : I've not been a dumpee so Idk
Boots or shoes? : Shoes
Korn or Limp Bizkit? : Korn
CD's or vinyl? : CDs I'm not scene enough for vinyls man
Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt? : Neve, Jennifer Love is too... wholesome-ish
Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? : UGH don't make me choooose. I guess Brad. Think Troy.
T-shirt or tank top? : T-shirt, always
Skirt or dress? : Ick. I guess a skirt, a long concealing one
TV or radio? : TV
Beach or snow? : Ew neither I hate both. But in the long run I suppose sand
What was your favorite toy as a child? : Barbie of course
What's the best Christmas present you've ever received? : Oh um... there's been some good Xmas presents. But my $80 copy of LotR, with the red leather and calligraphy, that was pretty sick.
Where were you born? : La Mesa, CA
What was your first pet and what was its name? : Oh um, Honey, the dog. She jumped off a bridge to get a pigeon and we had to put her to sleep. ::/depression::