1. Did I ever say I was going back to school? I think I've said it in comments, but I don't know if I've said it in this journal. Well, I am. Just a small community college. And it's kicking my ass. Because I can't schedule my time for shit and I'm always behind. One of these days I'm not going to procrastinate as badly as I am now.
2. I've started
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College is very, very hard, yes, which I've noticed as a fellow procrastinator! I'm going into my third year of college, and there hasn't been a single day so far where I wasn't behind in something. Don't worry, it's not just you. ;) But "they" say it gets better, so don't give up! We can both do it! Btw, what kind of classes are you taking?
HIMYM is one of my favorite shows. I love it so much! I personally don't like Barney/Robin as a couple, but I love both characters. My favorite character is Ted, though that seems to be an unpopular opinion XD. Also, I wouldn't get your hopes up about meeting the mother any time soon. I think the writers will just enjoy messing with us until the series finale or something.
$77 on nail polish?!?! I haven't spent that much money on nail polish in my entire life, lol. But what nail polish is to you, might be what dvd's are to me. :P
And, TRUE BLOOD<3. Also one of my favorite shows. I'm loving the new season so far. I watch the episodes online, though ( ... )
I'm watching HIMYM on syndication. So I'm sure I missed something they cut out for time, but I don't care. I can see where you don't like them together. I just think Robin brings out Barney's non male slut side. And I like that side. And boo about not meeting the mother. I'd actually like to get to know her before the show ends.
It's now $101. :) It's mostly HTF and discontinued nail polishes that are $15-20/polish. I don't know if that makes it better or worst. And yeah, I think polish for me is DVDs for you and the majority of people. I hate makeup except nail polish, so I spend it there.
I've thought about online streaming, but my computer is crap and never plays the streams well. :(
And when are we getting another chapter on the fic? Hmmmmm??? :D
I'm majoring in Criminology and Law, but I still don’t really know what I want to do with it. I’m considering also studying something else, like English or Journalism, after this. I don’t know, there are so many things I’d like to do and so many things I’m interested in XD. English Lit sounds like a lot of fun. I have a friend who's an English major and she gets to take all kinds of awesome classes. And Philosophy? I’m impressed. ;)
re: HIMYM - Where are you now? Yeah, I do see why people like Barney/Robin so much, and I wouldn't mind if they ended up together , but I prefer them as friends playing laser tag than as a couple.
Oh, Stella. :( That was horrible. That's early Season 4, I think. =)
HIMYM airs in the Netherlands, also on syndication. But by the time they’d started airing the show over here, I'd already seen all the episodes online, lol. So now I just watch the episodes the day after they air in the US. I like being up to date when it comes to shows, so I do the same thing with my other favorite shows.
And speaking of Atwt, Reid just arrived a few weeks ago and it's awesome! :D
Aww, you guys getting to Reid makes me happy and sad. Happy cause y'all get to relive the awesome that is Reid Oliver. Sad because in a few months ATWT won't be on anywhere in the world. It'll really be over. :(
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