Shipping PUAs/Feminists??!!!

Mar 30, 2011 20:58

I recently discovered Spitfire Grrrl's excellent feminist blog.  I'm not usually the type to rec blogs, but this article was too awesome not to share: Why Feminists and PUA's Should Care About Each Other.  The comments are pretty good too, particularly a link to a pick-up artist's hot field report on falling for a feminist woman. (NSFW).

As someone who straddles the line between a feminist-inclined fandom and membership on seduction discussion forums (as well as encouraging dialogue between the two), these links hit pretty close to home.  The field report also rings true to my experiences with feminist women, or at least those with sex-positive leanings (particularly one of the author's responses to a comment further down, "being pushy would have turned her off. i think she really liked that i was patient about the sex."). I'm further inclined to vouch for the "Feminists Fuck Better" t-shirt. ;)

feminist ally, my awesome life, seduction community

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