Oct 06, 2006 01:49
I just wanted to comment on my current surgery-recovery status. After almost two months since my appendix turned on me and viciously attacked me for no reason, I think I am almost back to normal. Yesterday I had a pain in that general vicinity and said "oh no, my appendix" but then realized I DON'T HAVE AN APPENDIX ANYMORE! How is that possible? Why is it okay to remove organs? they have got to be there for some reason! God is a god of purpose and well, I think he had a purpose in putting there. Just because we haven't figured out what it is yet doesn't mean we should just remove it! I don't know... I'm not angry about it, I am just pondering. Obviously I would have died otherwise, since this tip-of-the-pinky sized organ has the power to emit evil poisons that can be deadly. Why appendix, why? Anyway, so I had this pain in the region yesterday, and couldn't figure out why, then I remembered that amputees still feel like they have an arm sometimes...
Well, I have been taking a whole lot more naps. I don't have time for it, but i cannot help it. I had to jump back into life after ten shorts days from my surgery, so it took a lot out of me. I came home from class (8-2 class) and i fell asleep for FOUR hours. Who does that? A four-hour nap?? I'll tell you who- appendix-missing people. (doesn't four-hour look weird. since they appear to have the same spelling and thus the same sound. like you should say "fower-hower, or fore-hore. english is messed up)
anyway, so i have empty nest syndrome now that my appendix is gone.
hope you all are doing well.