Mar 25, 2007 16:22
The writer doesn't know the character completely, instead they just transcribe an essance that choose to speak to them. Much like a parent gives a child aspects of their experience, physical appearence and background. Vut others can have different relationships with the creation that the author has raised. Directers are like the character's soulmate- or even just fling. The character has told secretsm and is comfortable with them. The actors are very close friends, ones that know the charctaer, but are slightly jeolous of the fact that the directer knows the charater better despite their extensive background. A good acter can be like a twin, a completely separate entity with a different personality, who has the ability to perfectly imitate the character.
And every performance is like another timeline with simularities and differents in the subtle frame of what could have been.
Every meadia's form of writing is so different in its impact on our perspective. Plays are a social lense through which we can better disern a social view than any one perspective. Movies more one dementional, but all inclusive, because the directer has complete control over every artistic aspect they allow the audience. Books are situations purely through your perspective. This does not say that the author doesn't have an impact, but they seem to have to argrue for and against thier charater's actions. Poetry can range from a screaming thesis, to a subliminal message, but it is easily misinterpreted. It's much like a riddle.
Ah well, this was what I wrote during rehersal. Quick thoughts that I added to a little. It's purely for my own future reference.