Jan 02, 2018 16:14
new year yay...the number just keeps going up. i can't tell if each subsequent year is getting less exciting or i'm getting grumpy-old-man syndrome. it does feel more depressing, but maybe because i either don't know what to do next or there is a lack of motivation and inspiration. speaking of which...
1. fitness. beat my half marathon record. ~~> fail. this was expected since i hardly trained at all. i was surprised i was even able to finish it.
2. fitness2. be able to do 5 pullups. ~~> fail. just sad.
3. fitness3. be able to do a headstand. ~~> fail. lol.
4. travel. climb mt Kilimanjaro. ~~> fail. i should have made it easier and just said travel to new country.
5. book. read a grown up book. ~~> fail. hah.
6. game. beat 3 games. ~~> success! uncharted 3, uncharted 4, ffxv. i think i put this in so i can say i don't completely fail my resolutions.
7. correspondence. write a card or letter to someone each month. snail mail! ~~> fail. i was doing otay for the first part of the year but i completely failed in the latter part.
8. donate. time, food, and/or blood. ~~> fail. i did donate to good will and places but i cannot say i specifically donated time, food or blood.
9. hair. cut it. @_@! ~~> fail. i think i gave up on this. partly cuz i don't know how i would want my hair to be cut after. or whom to cut it.
10. complete resolution. obtain 9 successful resolutions. ~~> fail. duh.
success rate: 10% i can safely say i have not done worse (nor better) than last year.
1. fitness. get to my 2nd milestone on my run app (189.4 miles).
2. fitness2. be able to do 5 pullups.
3. fitness3. be able to do a headstand.
4. travel. new country.
5. travel. climb mt Kilimanjaro.
6. book. read a grown up book.
7. game. beat 3 games.
8. correspondence. write a card or letter to someone each month. snail mail!
9. donate. clean out 5 bags of stuff from my room to donate.
10. complete resolution. obtain 9 successful resolutions.
most of them becoming regulars here. going in with low expectations tho.