Jan 07, 2016 00:58
happay new year! it has been a while since i have stayed in the country for new years, but it has been nice to just rest and do a whole lot of nothing. that and i got one of my wisdom teeth pulled so i suppose i got a little less wise haha. this past year has definitely brought some big changes, planned and otherwise. but that shall be for another time. we are here to get some resolutions on.
1. fitness. achieve my fitbit weight goal. ~~> success! barely made this one. after pooping and stripping down to undies, i managed to hit my goal. who knew clothes were that heavy? it probably also helped that i couldn't eat as much following my tooth extraction. yay.
2. fitness2. run a 5k. ~~> success! ran the kaiser 5k and diva run 5k.
3. fitness3. run a 10k. ~~> success! ran the avengers 10k.
4. fitness4. run a half marathon. o_O! ~~> success! ran the rock n roll half and avengers half. i would have never imagined doing one but who knew i could do two.
5. travel. new country. ~~> success! went to iceland, norway, and sweden! all within one weekend!
6. book. read another one. ~~> success? i technically have read some books. although reading children's books wasn't my original idea...i might have to give myself only half credit.
7. idea. finishing building at least a first draft of something. ~~> fail. yea, i did not do anything here...
8. game. finish 3 more games. ~~> success! we beat duck tales, legos hobbit, home, legos lego movie, enslaved, and assassin's creed china. sooo, overachieving ftw.
9. donate. time, food, and/or blood. ~~> success! donated blood! tho i must remember not to drink the day of donation anymore. =op
10. complete resolution. obtain 9 successful resolutions. (lets try again) ~~> fail. i did not realize how close i was this year...
success rate: 75% i made a good run to clear some last minute resolutions this past month, but still not enough. although given some of them requiring quite the dedication, id say it was quite successful.
1. fitness. achieve my new fitbit weight goal.
2. fitness2. be able to do 5 pullups.
3. fitness3. beat my half marathon record.
4. fitness4. be able to do a headstand.
5. travel. climb mt Kilimanjaro.
6. book. read a grown up book.
7. game. beat 3 games.
8. correspondence. write a card or letter to someone each month. snail mail!
9. donate. time, food, and/or blood.
10. complete resolution. obtain 9 successful resolutions.
i guess im continuing my fitness binge. but this time im branching out to other areas in addition to the running. and if i do make it to mt kilimanjaro, hopefully any training i put in helps me survive it. the fact i was able to do not one, but two half marathons this past year means i can do anything rite? yea... ah, the eternal battle with procrastination and laziness continues.