Dec 30, 2005 14:24
+ Basics +
Are you emotional :: yes
Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few :: yes the soldier's christmas and the reprise of i'lll cover you
What about movies :: sometimes depends
What emotion do you usually feel :: sadness, and sorrow and happyness and love and wow almost all of them
+ Sadness +
What does it take to make you cry your heart out :: knowing that i want something i can't have or being let down by someone who made a promise
How many times have you done that :: only once or twice
Where do you cry :: my room
Do you hate crying :: not exactly
Do you like it when others cry :: yes beacuse crying is just an extent of someone's pain
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :: yes because they become clearer and crystally
Who looks good when they cry :: i do and uncle jess from fullhouse (haha)
How else do you express sadness ::by cooping myself in my room and listening to screamo and calling friend (khanh and my nichi)
Are you sad all the time :: pretty much i'm cursed with a romantic's soul
+ Anger +
What does it take to make you mad :: not much when i'm in a temperament
What do you do when you're angry ::yell at anyone who crosses my path
How short is your temper :: depends who offended me?
How long does it take you to calm down :: a couple ofscreams and a lot of screamo music
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad ::hurt someone who wasn't ready to be hurt
Do you freak out when others are angry :: yes especailly my step mom
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :: no
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad :: i don't know but whatever they did i blew my top
Do you anger people :: yes every one does i thought ?
+ Joy +
How often are you happy :: 70% out of every month
What makes you happy :: seeing friends and tallking with freinds and tea khanh and emily and melanie
What do you do when you're happy :: smile a lot
How optimistic are you :: depends on how i feel
Do happy people make you mad :: in the morning
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :: get drunk and have sex
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone :: not superioirly
Ever been so happy you cried :: can't say that i have
Do you smile a lot :: yes
Kiss people a lot:: nope
Who really makes you happy :: khanh and emily and emily's hips
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy ::sometimes it really depends
+ Fear +
What do you do when you're scared ::my heart beats fast but i pretty much handle it by myself.
What scares you :: being afraid
Do you like scaring people :: my sister amanda yes
Do you like the trill of being frightened :: soemtimesx wheni know that i can fight of the fear of being afriad
Does fear accompany anger in your case :: no
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe :: no
How often do you panic :: every so often i have anxiety attacks if that counts
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER :: being afraid of being afraid
What do you do to calm your nerves :: wathc mindless t.v. programs
Do rollercoasters scare you :: no
+ The strongest emotion +
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :: the reprise of i'll cover you
Movie :: rent
Commericial :: none
Person :: nikki
Thing :: my easel and paint
Sight :: (cough cough) (haha) emily's hips and apinting that looks like i want3ed it to
Sound :: screamo
Food :: anything i eat wi9th good friends and family and my dad's homemade chicken soup.
Thing you're looking forward to/want :: being accepted to ccs
+ What do you do +
When the emotion suck ::listen to rent and paint
When the emotion rocks ::paint
When there's no emotion :: i fel blank
+ Would you rather +
Never feel again :: no
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :: lonliness
Be happy forever or never experience bad times :: hapyy forever beacsue even thorought he bad times i woudl be happy
Cause misery or Feel misery :: fell misery
Be alone or Be with everyone you know :: be alone sometimes
+ Who +
Cheers you up more than anyone else :: my mommy
Angers you more than anyone else :: my dad
Scares you more than anyone else :: the idea of a love interest
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :: myself
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :: khanh