Jul 26, 2005 19:41
Electrik Deputy(8:26:57): aahahahahaha
brokepipe9932138(8:27:07): i just got my new laptop today, i'm excited
Electrik Deputy(8:27:18): who the fuck are you? hahaha.
brokepipe9932138(8:27:26): my name is megan
Electrik Deputy(8:27:32): no my name is megan :)
brokepipe9932138(8:27:42): naw
Electrik Deputy(8:27:45): YES.
Electrik Deputy(8:27:48): who are you. tell me now.
brokepipe9932138(8:27:53): cool
Electrik Deputy(8:27:57): xfgndf'oin
Electrik Deputy(8:28:00): do you want to die?
Electrik Deputy(8:28:06): :)
brokepipe9932138(8:28:07): i think i am dehydrated lol
Electrik Deputy(8:28:13): WHO ARE YOU.
brokepipe9932138(8:28:24): my name is megan
Electrik Deputy(8:28:27): ._.
Electrik Deputy(8:28:30): boffe, megan?
brokepipe9932138(8:28:36): u ok over there? lol
Electrik Deputy(8:28:47): :( i don't know who you are.
brokepipe9932138(8:29:03): is that a problem?
Electrik Deputy(8:29:08): yes :(
brokepipe9932138(8:29:19): cool
Electrik Deputy(8:29:24): i don't like you.
Electrik Deputy(8:29:25): goodbye.
brokepipe9932138(8:29:33): i dont like you either
brokepipe9932138(8:30:44): u seem interesting, can we talk more?
brokepipe9932138(8:31:55): u doin ok over there?
brokepipe9932138(8:31:58): :-p
brokepipe9932138(8:33:08): where did u go? lol
brokepipe9932138(8:34:16): ???
brokepipe9932138(8:35:25): ???
brokepipe9932138(8:36:34): u seem interesting, can we talk more?
brokepipe9932138: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:31:03): Hey whats up
XbmxBikrX09(8:31:11): hey
XbmxBikrX09(8:31:15): who is this
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:31:21): what are u doin?
XbmxBikrX09(8:31:26): who is this
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:31:37): stacey 17/female/california
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:32:48): Your not talking
XbmxBikrX09(8:32:59): how do u know me
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:33:13): i'll probably never know lol
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:34:18): where did u go? lol
XbmxBikrX09(8:34:34): i dunnp
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:34:44): lol
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:35:55): Are you still there?
XbmxBikrX09(8:35:59): ya
XbmxBikrX09(8:36:05): send me a pic then
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:36:10): alrighty
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:36:15): :-p
XbmxBikrX09(8:37:01): dont u need my email
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:37:11): what about me?
XbmxBikrX09(8:37:16): what
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:37:25): do u think so?
XbmxBikrX09(8:37:32): what
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:37:43): i dont remember anymore lol
XbmxBikrX09(8:38:08): send me a pic at bmxbikr98@yahoo.com
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:38:20): i will have some in a couple days, but not now sorry
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:39:29): Please talk to me
s0lidsn4ke930143(8:40:38): u doin ok over there?
s0lidsn4ke930143: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com