That's some pretty sick shit right there...

Jul 22, 2006 15:23

Also, something unrelated
July 21, 2006 - During the Thursday presentation for director Guillermo Del Toro's new film Pan's Labyrinth at Comic-Con International in San Diego, actor Doug Jones, who stars as the title character in the film, was asked about the Web rumor that he will play the Silver Surfer in the next Fantastic Four film.

"The Internet has been abuzz this week, not to my doing," Jones began. "I will make this as brief and as legal as I possibly can. No comment. [laughter] I'm so sorry. It's like taking porn away from a teenager! [more laughter] I can address one thing for sure. I will not be wearing any green-screen leotard and doing any motion-capture in any film coming out anytime soon that I know of. However, no comment."

Jones then paused and asked rhetorically, "Do you like the color of this shirt on me?" The actor was wearing a silver, shimmering dress shirt. "I like this color on me and I hope to be wearing more of this color soon. I've been shopping for outfits and I did find one that I really like. But I don't own it yet because right now they're still approving my credit card."

That brought the house down. But Jones wasn't done yet:

"Let me make a pledge to you all right now. If my credit card does get approved and my purchase is finalized, and I hope to have it, I pledge to you right now that I will take very, very good care of that outfit."

Jones' final comments on the matter was met with roaring approval from the crowd.
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