
Oct 10, 2006 19:54

I had a random craving for baked apples today. I was so excited as I popped them in the oven and ran off to check my e-mail. 30 minutes later, I notice the time and think, "Maybe I should go check on those apples..." So I skip off to the kitchen, reveling in the delicious smell of freshly baking apples and spices. I open the oven to bask in the glory, and lo and behold...

My apples exploded.


So now I have a sugary-appley mush with raisins & pecans in it.
It's still pretty good, but...a tad on the mushy side!!

Oh, and to top it all off, I burned my thumb. Not pulling them out of the oven...oh, no. I burned it trying to get the apple mush out of the pan. That's what I get, I suppose, for laughing at Angie's left-handed blood meal.


I don't want to go to work today. But I really need the money, so I suppose I'll go.

...is it Friday yet??
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