Hello all!
So here the post of the thing Yamapi/Johnnys related goods that I bought!
This is the first thing I bought, I found it in Akihabara!! That shop was filled with old mags, tour goods (penlights, photbooks, uchiwas), DVDs, posters. photo-sets, etc...
Love the picture on the left!! ^///^
TBS shop!
I didn't think I was going to find anything Yamapi related in there but was pleasantly surprised when I saw the Drama Photo-book!!
Again my Favorite picture of Yamapi is on the left hand! ^///^
I couldn't find any magazines with Yamapi on the cover, but found some with him inside!! hehe!!
Both had Kis my ft2 on the cover, which is okay, as I like them a bit.
Lovely smile Pi!!
KAT-TUN too!!
Went to Fuji tv too, this was my second time there but I wanted to search for some Yamapi related goods and only found this buzzer beat towel!! Last time I went there in 2010 I found the key-chain! I don't remember seeing this towel!
I wanted to buy the drama DVD set but couldn't find it in Tsutaya, and didn't have the time to go some other place to search for it.
Okay, so since I was there when it went on sale I bought it too.
in the middle is the note book, it has some pictures of Yamapi and some blank pages where we can write in. Like travelers dairy!
Oh, I did try to go see Akkun but was't from the lucky ones as I picked no entry paper thing from the box. :(
Look at the picture on the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's so gorgeous!!!! ^///^
Ah, I envy the 380 fans who will have the chance to meet Yamapi next month!!
Okay that's all!
It was fun finding all these goods! ^^
Let me know if you have any questions or interest in anything.