NEWS at the Countdown

Sep 07, 2011 00:08


There is something I was wondering about for a couple of days now.

Since Kanjani8 have been very active recently and NEWS has nothing going on, will that mean NEWS won't appear on the Countdown as a group??

I mean Kanjani8 have a tour starting 23 of November and will end by New Year, which they will appear in 5 domes, starting Sapporo Dome and ending in Kyocera Dome.

Which means Ryo-chan won't be with NEWS for the what 3rd time? and as for NEWS lack of activities will they actually appear as a band?

In the countdown 06-07 Yamapi appeared as himself, Tegomasu the duo and Ryo-chan with Kanjani8. There was nothing about KoyaShige!

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of both groups but I really hope that it won't again this year. I want to see both News and Kanjani8 in the countdown.

What do you think?

Let me know!


question, yamashita tomohisa, countdown, kanjani8, nishikido ryo, news

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